Religion: the ultimate ~~pyramid scheme~~ tool of social control.
A community for the most based memes from atheists, agnostics, antitheists, and skeptics.
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Religion: the ultimate ~~pyramid scheme~~ tool of social control.
I agree!
This is a woeful misuse of this meme lol...
And then I said
He rose from the dead 3 days later!
Tbh that's capitalism which sorta extended from religion but is no longer dependent on it, interestingly.
Wait, are you implying that the entire world population is religious? There are 8 billion, not 7 billion people now.
In 2018, 84% of people were religious. I have no idea how they reconcile atheism in China either since like 75% of their population has none.
who are the 25% of China who are supposedly religious? muslims? Uyghurs? the oppressed?