What a beaut, Diogo!
Red Devils
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Wow.. looking at the replay with the view from behind Dalot I must say that was an insane shot
"Scott McTominay has been selected as captain for Manchester United today, even with Harry Maguire in the starting line-up.
A mark of McTominay’s standing." L. Whithall
These ESPN hosts are always so biased when it comes to united. All the FA cups or even friendlies man !! Game hasn’t even started yet and their comments are “ Fans are leaving the pitch “…….:
There are fans wearing liverpool jerseys in the crowd... The ESPN commentators were genuinely terrible the last match around with Real Madrid
Apologies everyone, I need to get back to sleep for a early day tomorrow, this won’t be able to continue with the commentary.
Forson getting an earful lol