this post was submitted on 15 May 2024
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I think criticism of matrix as a platform and protocol is valid and can help build a better decentralized ecosystem. We need to address the flaws in order to make it better.
I still think Matrix is probably the best way moving forward since its only real alternative is XMPP, which yeah, better than nothing but not great. Also relying on and ultimately hyping centralized solutions is relying on one guy to not love money more than "the dream", and his reputation, which always ends up happening at some point in the end (every one of us are susceptible to it, just keep adding 0s). FYI whatsapp used to be just like signal, E2EE zero knowledge, over-hyped privacy messaging app, then they sold it to Facebook who backdoored it and made that not true anymore.
Pushing for a service that ultimately can and very likely will have the same fate, especially when this app is overhyped too just feels irresponsible at least in my opinion, especially since centralized messengers are the hardest to break away from.
I think if signal were decentralized it would be awesome and possibly even better than signal in some ways, I also wouldn't really have any issues with it being given as an alternative to Matrix or XMPP, since it wouldn't have the same deep issues it has now. Though it isn't and their developers' attitude towards decentralization shows that it probably won't be (someone could fork the open source parts and make it so but it wouldn't be signal, that would be something else).
I'm not really sure either, I've heard that they use similar protocols underneath but I've also heard from others that they are drastically different. So hard to say.
I agree of addressing flaws for sure, makes for safer software!
I also prefer decentralized networks over centralize for obvious reasons and your point about signal possibly falling into the WhatsApp route is very valid as well since it has happened to companies before.
At this point it really comes down to personal preference, there are strong arguments for both sides, hard to choose! Hah, will definitely have to look into those protocols to get a clearer picture.