this post was submitted on 15 May 2024
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That is true, there are definitely much worse messaging platforms out there.
I'm mainly calling out signal because in terms of private messaging platforms they are one of the only ones yes but they are also pretty bad due to their centralized dependence (and the fact that they insist on staying centralized) the fact that they are insanely and (most likely) artificially overhyped doesn't help at all, and if people want to choose a better one they should choose one that isn't going to end up having the same problems.
Obviously many signal fanboys would argue that it just wouldn't happen, that signal could never enshittify but they fail to understand that centralized services can be fundamentally restructured in ways much harder than if not impossible with decentralized ones. Also the fact that companies, even non-profits can be influenced by money and even go public. Overhyped centralized bullshit is not the solution, and it never has been.
I generally agree with you. I haven't seen Signal getting much hype outside Soatok mentioning it the other day, but I could see it as it's something close to Telegram and people always try to go to whatever is the next closest thing. That said, Matrix isn't without it's issues either. While I also prefer decentralized, open source, software, (one of the main reasons I'm here,) my experience with Matrix and XMPP hasn't been great. Largely because nearly no one I know uses them.
I haven't seen it hyped as much recently (at least not outside of alt-right spaces) but I do remember a time when people wouldn't shut up about signal.
Matrix certainly does have it's issues, biggest one being that you can lose your encryption keys and with it message history, though it's still much better than what you get with signal where you lose message history if you lose that device or lose your account if you lose your phone number (emails are more portable and permanent than phone numbers but you also don't need the email to log in again, last time I used signal you do need your phone number to log in).
XMPP seems very glitchy and unreliable, I also wasn't really able to find very good clients on Most modern platforms, but I may not have been looking hard enough. I also didn't find many rooms of interest on XMPP so lack of people using it is definitely real, though I found no shortage of rooms on Matrix.
Using them to talk to people you know can be hard if people you don't know don't use them, I know Matrix does have bridges but I haven't tried setting those up and I'm not sure how well they'd work.