this post was submitted on 15 May 2024
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Yeah, we just started hearing about this recently. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I have no problem with us moving the announcements channel somewhere else. My main complaint with matrix is that only a vocal minority uses it at the moment, and hosting yet another service before we have our house in order is a bad move anyways.
We use private groups on TG currently for the mod/admin live chats, and I personally can’t ever fully uninstall because it’s my primary point of contact with my parents who live out of state. I already got them to jump ship from SMS for higher quality picture uploads, but I don’t think they would care enough about this to change again.
Once I get our storage and infrastructure in general into a state where I don’t have to babysit it I will likely revisit running a matrix instance, but it won’t likely be our primary status channel. I feel we need to prioritize ease of access to get announcements in front of as many eyes as possible.
Also this is rich coming from me in the middle of an episode of insomnia, but please get some rest if it’s anywhere near as late as it is here!
(Posted under wrong comment, moved it here. Don’t lemmy at 3am folks.)
Benefit of Matrix is that it offers bridging chat to and from other chat applications. It eases transitioning to it as you can have all your chats in one place.
That’s pretty cool, but honestly our storage situation is a tire fire that needs fixing and I have too many other projects I am neglecting right now. Depression sucks >.>
Plus, honestly the last thing i need is another attempt to unify all my communications that ends up needing to be babysat. I only get a few hours of motivation per day, and running commonly monopolizes that time.