this post was submitted on 05 Mar 2024
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Ok, obviously a parody of SG1, but where was it from? A "show" within a show? A "show" within a movie?
Help me!
It's a show within SG1.
Martin (Marty) Lloyd (an alien refugee) wrote it within the Stargate universe, and based it off his interaction with SG-1.
The Air Force (with the exception of SG-1) love it and keep it going because it gives ridicule-factor to any rumours of a secret alien portal (also because its dope)
Grell (the robot) carries the show.
Vala Mal Doran is extraordinarily salty about not being in it.
In SG-1 S5E12, someone creates a TV show loosely based on the adventures of SG-1.
That's it! It's been about 10 years since I saw it originally and I've just started rewatching. I'm only halfway through S2...