Given that the air quality is going to shit in m y area again, I figured I'd show off my air quality cards! Let me know if you have any questions. The colors for the AQI cards are from US EPA's color set and the the PM2.5 color values are based off EPA's PM2.5 exposure over 24 hours
^ These are based off the stock gauge card.
type: gauge
entity: sensor.airnow_aqi
name: AQI
unit: ' '
needle: true
min: 20
max: 500
- from: 0
color: '#00e400'
- from: 51
color: '#ffff00'
- from: 101
color: '#ff7e00'
- from: 151
color: '#ff0000'
- from: 201
color: '#8f3f97'
- from: 301
color: '#800000'
type: gauge
entity: sensor.airnow_pm2_5
name: PM2.5
needle: true
min: 0
max: 200
- from: 0
color: '#64a13c'
- from: 12.6
color: '#eac51c'
- from: 26
color: '#d67900'
- from: 51
color: '#a90737'
- from: 151
color: '#50051e'
^ This one is based off the mini-graph-card, which I really like.
type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: Air Quality
icon: mdi:air-purifier
hours_to_show: 12
points_per_hour: 1
smoothing: false
- value: 0
color: '#00e400'
- value: 51
color: '#ffff00'
- value: 101
color: '#ff7e00'
- value: 151
color: '#ff0000'
- value: 201
color: '#8f3f97'
- value: 301
color: '#800000'
- entity: sensor.airnow_aqi
name: AQI
- entity: sensor.airnow_o3
name: Ozone
color: '#3399ff'
show_state: true
- entity: sensor.airnow_pm2_5
name: PM2.5
color: '#ff7777'
show_state: true
y_axis: secondary
I'm using [](Plotly Graph) for my solar panels. I do use some small mini-graph-cards without a legend though, but not as much as I expected to use them in the beginning.