this post was submitted on 11 Mar 2025
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Dealing with PTSD and/or having thoughts about suicide?

Military/Veteran Crisis Line - 1-800-273-TALK (8255) - Press 1 or text 838255 or click here for 24/7 Confidential online support from a caring, qualified VA professional

Military One Source - 1-800-342-9647

Wounded Soldier and Family Hotline - 1-800-984-8523

DStressLine for Marines, attached Sailors, and families when it's needed most - 1-877-476-7734.

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PTSD Resolution UK The PTSD Resolution charity's national counselling programme helps Veterans, Reservists and dependants resolve the symptoms of military trauma and reintegrate into normal work & family life. 0845 021 7873.

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This is what happens when we betray our allies and support Russia. Regardless of what happens 5 years from now, I doubt America will be trusted.

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[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Was Canada invited our have they cut their losses there too