this post was submitted on 12 Feb 2025
13 points (93.3% liked)


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Protect your privacy in the digital world

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I am in the EU and wanted to buy my first domain here. I wanted to play around with making a website, hosting etc.

So I went to sites like Netim, namecheap, and porkbun. I found that they ask for my name, phone number, and address.

I'm not sure if I can make crap up there and register. I am using a temporary digital /virtual card, so I won't have too much trouble on that front.

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[–] 2 points 1 week ago

You can fill in any random information you want. I have domains that were registered over 10 years ago that were registered to some random credentials. But if you want to sell such a domain in the future or transfer ownership of it somehow, this decision can cause you serious problems.