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To add more context to your second example (woah now I'M on TV
), the removed comment that prompted me to call that user an incel said:
This struck me as straight up incel ideology, they're basically saying "the reason biphobia exists is because those FEMOIDS only want to date CHAD", so I responded in kind by calling them what they sounded exactly like. I could be wrong, they might've been a run-of-the-mill misogynist and I agree with your overall point about how the term should be used correctly. Just wanted to throw that out there
I did check the modlog for these when I was picking them out, so I did know the contents of the removed comment. I did not read the comment in the same way, my interpretation of that comment was the user blaming women for societal expectations placed upon men. Which is still misogyny, but not really the way that incels would frame that point, at least in my opinion. Regardless of you agreeing with my interpretation, this is a good reason why it shouldn't be thrown around as a generic insult. If two people trying to read a post for incel thoughts are getting different messages about the ideology of the user who posted it there are some users will see "incel" being used against a generic misogynist, which is bad for reasons stated above.
I don't want it to sound like I think these ideas shouldn't be ridiculed, but there are other ways to do it that don't involve calling them incels.