2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)
I have amassed lots of extra Steam keys (some games I already have, some I'm just not interested in). I will keep adding to this list over the holidays, trying to get them to people who might use them.
Note: I realize that I have many, many games available, and sometimes multiple keys for a game title, so you can request up to 5 games (in 1 message, please!) and at the end of the day I will allocate keys (randomly selecting if there aren't enough keys)
- 140
- ~~200% Mixed Juice~~
- 2064: Read Only Memories
- 2Dark
- ~~35MM~~
- ~~7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat~~
- 7 Roses
- ABC Coloring Town
- Abyss Odyssey
- Adventure in the Tower of Flight
- Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
- ~~Agent in Depth~~
- ~~AI War: Fleet Command~~
- Air Guardians
- Alchemy Garden
- Alex Hunter: Lord of the Mind
- Alien Breed: Impact
- ~~Aliens vs Predator Collection~~
- Alphadia Genesis
- ~~Alter Ego~~
- Always Sometimes Monsters
- Amazing American Circus
- ~~Amnesia Dark Descent & Machine for Pigs~~
- ~~Among the Sleep~~
- Amulet of Time: Shadow of La Rochelle
- Anodyne
- ~~Anomaly 2~~
- ~~Anomaly Korea~~
- Anti-opoly
- ~~Apotheon~~
- Ar-K
- ~~Aragami~~
- Arcade Spirits
- ~~ArcaniA~~
- ~~Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura~~
- ~~Armello~~
- Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator
- Auditorium
- Auto Age: Standoff
- Aveyond: Lord of Twilight
- Axis Game Factory AGFPro V3 with multiple DLC
- ~~Baba Is You~~
- Back to Bed
- Balloon Blowout
- Barnyard Mahjong 2
- Bartlow's Dread Machine
- ~~Bastion~~
- Battlestations: Midway
- ~~Bayla Bunny~~
- ~~Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight® Mystery~~
- Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
- Beholder
- ~~Beholder 2~~
- ~~Bejewelled 3~~
============================================= Added 2024-12-23 20:00 EST
- Bet on Soldier
- Betrayer
- Beware Planet Earth
- Bezier
- ~~Bioshock Infinite~~
- ~~Bioshock Remastered~~
- ~~Bit Trip Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien~~
- Blackguards
- Blackguards 2
- Blast Em!
- ~~BlazeRush~~
- Block Blowout
- ~~Blockstorm~~
- ~~Blood Rage: Digital Edition~~
- Blue Flamingo
- Bluecoats: North & South
- Bomb Defense
- ~~Book of Demons~~
- Book of Unwritten Tales Digital Deluxe Edition
- Boson X
- ~~Botanicula~~
- Bound by Flame
- Bridge
- ~~Bridge Constructor~~
- Bridge Constructor Stunts
- Broken Age
- ~~Broken Sword 2~~
- ~~Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse~~
- Broken Sword Director's Cut
- ~~Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons~~
- Brutal Legend
- Bureau: XCOM Declassified
- ~~Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box~~
Amazing American Circus
Thank you