DISCLAIMER: I'm a SMART volunteer, a meeting facilitator, among other things. I do this to give back. SMART is essentially run by volunteers.
SMART Recovery US website: https://smartrecovery.org/
There are others world wide. A web search with SMART Recovery (language/country) should give you the right result)
has resources for countries without an established branch
Also, a link to a non-official recovery server, (there are also other program rooms) that leans SMART: https://discord.gg/6YGQFR3b where 1000s of people with addiction issues hang out, as well as many experienced volunteers. We call it "the support group in your pocket"
SMART is the leading science-based addiction peer self-support organization world wide. Non-profit. Meetings are free and confidential, with thousands of online and face to face meetings. There are 1000s of meetings weekly world-wide.
There are publications, like the participant handbook, which are a paid, but very affordable resource, not necessary but very helpful. That said, most of the material is available free of charge on the website. The handbook simply provides a structured way to understand the concepts and tools.
Spirituality, like higher powers, is not needed, that is left to the individual.
The program is is based on self empowerment, behavioral training, how to learn to cope with what leads us to addictive behaviors.
The program is not strictly abstinence oriented. It's about identifying goals, and help you achieve them. It supports therapy, professionally prescribed meds, it's not adverse to moderation and harm reduction, as current addiction treatment research supports.
SMART doesn't shame, doesn't stigmatize, doesn't do labels. We are people with an addiction management problem, not alcoholics, or drug addicts or whatever.
There are no steps. It's a 4 point program. Points (or areas) can be approached individually or at the same time:
- Build and maintain motivation
- Cope with urges and cravings
- Manage thoughts, feelings and behavior
- Lead a balanced life
The program is oriented towards the addictive behaviors, and doesn't focus on the substance or maladaptive behavior , but how to deal with it. It works for Alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and for things like porn addiction, eating disorders, gambling...
The program is considered one of multiple pathways to recovery, does not claim to be the only way. Many combine it with 12 step, or whatever helps them also.
I hope this helps. If anybody has any questions, please ask.
SMART, not S.M.A.R.T.