Meanwhile me, "No one by that name has lived here since at least X" or "No such business at this address, the LLC was dissolved in 2017". I get a lot of credit card offers for previous owners and businesses they sat up. Sometimes for businesses that haven't existed in years.
Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of
I throw that stuff straight in the recycle bin. If the previous owner cant be arsed to change the mailing address of their rental LLCs, I can't be arsed to do it either.
That's a lot of magik incantations right there or plain old ignorant wishful thinking - I'm not sure which.
I did know a guy that tried to be a sovereign citizen. He was never the brightest wick in the candelabra and was also a huge conspiracy nut and misinformed health nut ever. Overall, he was pretty harmless and never caused anyone any problems. Just a really strange guy.
For those curious...
I don't even understand what they are citing.
All rights reserved, "without prejudice".
Are you sure about that, buddy?
"I'm a sovereign citizen your laws don't apply to me, except when they pertain to rights that I like"
I wouldn't mind the movement too much if they actually practiced what they preached and went and lived on some large ranch somewhere in the middle of nowhere and grew all their own food and never left.
They pretend that it's like going back to basics hunter gatherer lifestyle, but really it's just about not paying taxes.