Yeah but could he walk
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Yep the evidence's in, Messi's shirt & Romero's shorts 🤩
So happy for Benny. Must feel great after such a long recovery. Selfishly, he's coming back closer to being match fit for #COYS 🥳
Yep, Benny playing for Uruguay uses/refines different physicalities to Angeball.
Nevertheless, these games refine endurance, tackles, start/stop, etc., but vitally for a player off pitch for so long, it's a self-confidence affirmation boost.
Knowing his physicality's close to pre-injury range, gives Ange confidence in handing Benny more game time/ responsiblity. How and when - in Ange we trust!
Benny can expect pre-match day 1, 2 ,3 ,4 Angeball training tweaks!