This is fwdsfromgrandpa material
Dad Jokes
This is a community for sharing those cheesy “dad” jokes that invoke an eye roll or chuckle.
- Clean jokes only please. If you cannot tell this joke to a 5-year-old, you probably shouldn’t post it here. Please post edgier jokes to !
- Must post text, image (e.g., meme), or direct link. Do not post external links that cannot be viewed directly from the community (e.g., link to joke website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
- Follow Lemmy.World Code of Conduct
It's missing the "wahmen ☕" kick, but checks out as grandpa material.
What's with all the memes shitting on vegetarianism? I'm a meat eater, but I feel like Lemmy has just been swarmed with edgy 14 year old redditors who thrive on jokes about killing animals.
I'm a meat eater, I'm also a chef for a vegan ready-meal company, this is funny, grow a sense of humour, it can be rotated in when your lentils come to fruit.
I ran into it somewhere and thought it was !dadjoke material based on the pun, no political opinions intended. I grew up on a cattle farm so I know where the cows come from.
I remember a friend telling me, "I'm going vegetarian: I'm switching to only corn-fed beef."
Resistance is ‘fetal’!
Ok boomer
Just because I have an affinity for White New-Balance Classics doesn't make me a Boomer, OK?
Besides, they go with my outfit no matter what color my cargo shorts or polo is... which happens to be the official uniform of !dadjokes; and that is where you happen to be. This is an amazing punnerific Dad Joke. I know because I tried it on my son and got an audible groan of approval. So, scamper on back to or wherever you came from if that is all you have.
Though if you have a !dadjokes worthy flame, bring it on, I love a good Internet trolling.
except the ingredients are listed on the back, meanwhile you're eating animals grown in shit-covered cages.
Its ok because the shit gets washed off of the hide before it gets turned into the leather for the seats in my new car.
This is !dadjokes, this is a pun joke, no political message about the food you decide to eat or not yet intended.
The Fediverse has lots of Vegan activists compared to others, maybe that's behind the downvotes.. Take my upvote fellow meat enjoyer
I assume it comes from newly federated people browsing All and not realizing this is !dadjokes. Or maybe just people who hate a good pun joke.
Well, most animals are plant-based...
Cows turn plants into food
They turn it into energy, for them.