WOW, that really brings it home.
Mind you, my subconscious had just about white-washed over Conte's awful excuse for football. Now I'm reliving the nightmare 😂
What-a mistake-a to-a make-a 😳
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#COYS #THFC #TottenhamHotspur #MastodonFC
WOW, that really brings it home.
Mind you, my subconscious had just about white-washed over Conte's awful excuse for football. Now I'm reliving the nightmare 😂
What-a mistake-a to-a make-a 😳
I'm puzzled by the zero physicality rating. It's supposed to represent duels and aerial duels won and I'm pretty sure we're not zero for those. Must be incorrect data, surely?
@hallenbeck @beingreal @coys @spurs Yes, that’s the stat that worries me. Not that they aren’t winning physical duels, but that over the long season, they will wear down.