That's pretty cool!
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Just played with it for a bit, it's very responsive and the resemblance is quite accurate.
I love it and hope the author continues to keep it updated. I can see many ex-redditors feeling very comfortable with this interface. Maybe I'll use it... in time. Just not a huge fan of reddit right now.
For the foreseeable future, I'm sticking with the default UI. I feel a strong sense of loyalty for LemmyVerse in all things.
Oh this is awesome. I think I'm going to use this, at least until the UI for regular lemmy improves, because there are some serious issues right now.
Oh fuck this is exactly what I want.
FYI: TOTP authorization is not yet supported.
Are you the author?
No, I just clicked and tried to log in :)
Sounds like something the author would say...
I apologize. Should have written it in a more subjective manner.