Ready for the game today!!!
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Me upon hearing that Kelce is suiting up today:
What a sloppy game. Wtf is going on with our offense.
Exactly the words I used. “Sloppy.” Defense is looking good, and lest we had any doubt, Jones is definitely making a difference even when he’s not the one making the play.
Time to start a we miss EB party yet?
This defense is legit. Just need to find the groove on offense
They play way up in the box all the time though, if the opportunity comes, we got a great chance of booming one over their heads to an open field. Fingers crossed!
Their closing speed is unreal.
Knee was down when he released the ball. That’s a sack. No one is even looking at that.
How is unsnapping a helmet unsportsmanlike conduct?
The absolute horror, a grown man, unsnapping his helmet. Think of the children!
Man, thank goodness we finally got a touchdown! Let's keep the momentum going!
Wow, was expecting more than 0-0 after the first…
Dave Toub thinking, “Here we go again.”
Yup ouch
Juggle Pucks in the house!
Has Charles Davis ever watched a Chiefs game? He keeps insisting the Chiefs should run.
2 false starts in a row?! Come on guys!
Love that we got Toney back in the groove
Our first score of the game comes with :27 left in the half. Certainly never expected that. What a mess
I’m ok with a slow start. Gotta get the machine warmed up.
That one hurt MVS
Absolutely boils my blood when ref calls things one way but the other team commits the same penalties & there’s no call. Not just once off but repeatedly. A lot happens in a game, I don’t expect perfection, & there’s always room for players to step & play better regardless. But when we go 3 & out after a hold, & on the next series the other team gets a 1st down on the back of a hold, BS, brother. Not OK. Gotta let the guys know expectations & give the same opportunities to both teams. Straighten up, zebras.
If our corner touches a guy’s belt before that guy shoves off, it’s Defensive interference, but if Kelce is wearing a LB as a coat 2 steps before the ball gets there, it’s all good I guess.
I don’t think Taylor is going to be with us long. That dude seems to be a real mess.
That’s a lateral
Someone get James some sunglasses for the next return….
Skyy Moore just glad it’s someone else fielding punts.
Kinda wish they'd kick the FG there. 55 yds is doable.