*The biggest protest in the U.S
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Would have been a lot cooler if people actually voted and we would not be in this situation….
Would be cool if americans weren't fucking stupid enough to vote a literal felon into office whose promises included: removal of freedoms, removal of human rights, crashing the economy, corruption, ignoring the constitution, reintroducing overt systematic racism, more expenses for anyone not a millionaire, aligning US with the evil countries, not only distancing from but invading long time allies.
It was all there. Everyone who didn't vote, voted for randoms or voted for democrats, this is on you for not educating your fellow countrymen on why voting for trump is a bad idea. Take responsibility and use the immeasurable wealth of evidence generated every single day by the administration to convince people to see why there needs to be an urgent change.
I handed them the evidence. I used non biased AP articles. I showed them side by side comparisons of Project 2025 and Agenda 47. They ignored me and called me an extremist and an alarmist. What the fuck else could I have done?
In swing states, where the election was decided, voter turnout was roughly unchanged between 2020 and 2024 presidential elections. So you can stop blaming disenfranchised voters.
What will happen on April 5?
People are traveling to DC on April 5th for a big anti-Trump protest led by multiple protest organizations. They are even planning out busses and such. It will be the biggest protest so far compared to the previous ones we had. If you want to join in, see if you can go to DC, or go to your local state capitol and protest. https://handsoff2025.com/
Im going to say doubtful. Seeing the size of other protests in other countries, it really shows how little murica cares that they are going fascist
That is not the right conclusion. We don't have a protest culture or union membership to call for or protect protesters, or a centralized population and obvious protest spot. I was talking to an Argentine friend of mine about how it works in Argentina - a handful of big unions who unite and call strikes/protests including the bus drivers who bring moat people to and from work, a centralized population, and an international airport with 1 main highway that can be blocked. Not that all those things are needed to protest effectively, but America has none of that. Hell, we don't even have healthcare if we're not employed. We're kinda starting from scratch.
We have to start somewhere, and the protests will grow steadily as people become energized, the administration's crimes grow and claim more victims, and people warm to the idea of protesting.
The real danger will be in the summer of 2026. They can't allow the Democrats to flip either chamber, and take over legislative and investigative responsibilities, so they will do ANYTHING to stop the mid-term election. Protests will be huge by then, and he will instigate violence (perhaps by using his Jan 6 goons, who owe him), then send in authorities to use more violence to suppress the violence. That will give him the excuse to declare Martial Law, and suspend elections until peace is restored. Since he cintrols the peace, that will never happen, and we'll skate right past 2028 without a presidential election.
People will scream, but the loudest voices will take up residency at the new 30,000 bed facility in Guantanamo Bay.
Those countries are much smaller and many have more robust public transportation to reach said protests.
I have a 12 hour day on the 5th and it kills me not to be able to go
We'd all be better off with more critical thinking and nuisance in our lives instead of jumping to the first conclusion that reaffirms our bias
While I'm also frustrated by the apparent apathy among Americans, we've only been under this admin for two months. In Hungary, Serbia and Turkey the admins have been around for much longer than that and the realities and consequences of oppressive government have had time to fully sink in.
That said, I try to be optimistic but it's very difficult. Many sane Americans are behaving like an already defeated people, and the rest of the country either don't care or actually cheer for it.
And once this admin entrenches itself, it'll be extremely difficult to unroot. These are some of the richest and most powerful people in the world, with the world's most advanced military and massive and heavily armed police force to back them up. And that's not including all the nutjob private militias that will likely get deputized at some point. We're already seeing them label the opposition as terrorists, where do you think we'll be in a year?
I want to keep fighting but I'm not convinced enough of us take this as the very serious threat that it is. And not just to Americans, but to the whole world.
The AOC and Bernie rallies should bring some hope. This is a step up compared to weeks before. Momentum is gaining.
An octogenarian and a woman who half the country has been trained to hate and dismiss.
I wish I shared your hope, but to me, that's not enough.
I felt less hope weeks prior. Movements are small but are increasing. Its been pretty much mood swings.
I feel for ya. I hope things start to turn around down there but it seems like that will only happen if the people unite. Everyone needs to go on general strike. Shut everything down!