Sadly almost all of the answers below stopped working after updates closed those avenues of bypass. I'd just create a new account and ignore it.
Windows 11
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For anyone who struggles to get past the account creation email address, I've always entered "" which isn't a valid email or is locked/banned.
Never caused me a problem, and I've even walked tech incompetent family members through that process.
Use the email address and a random password. It will fail but it will allow you to setup a local account instead
The disconnect from the interwebs trick and the other tips below should work. If you to install linux make sure to look up what is supported so far and what potentially needs work. Nowadays most things work OOTB save for some webcams with Windows Hello support :)
You can set up offline account. Just search for it. In worst case, you can do it through command line.
I’m pretty sure you can just Alt+F4 that and it’ll let you create a local account. IIRC, that’s what I did on my W11 laptop.
Install Linux from a usb key.
Install windows into a virtual machine.
You can get your windows product key from Linux by following this
nixOS is great. It's got one additional step of difficulty from just pure Ubuntu, but it's designed to be as robust as possible and it's basically impossible to break.
Windows wise, there's some email address that you can type in to bypass the process. Beyond that as far as I know Windows 11 won't let you delay or skip this step, you have to have an account to install Windows 11 and it has to be a valid account that the OS can log in to. Maybe it's time to consider switching.