This is really really bad. Aus blocked her we blocked her and then someone goes out of their way to allow her in. She's a cancer and should not be allowed to speak here.
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Divest. Protest. Raise hell. If allowing them a platform isn't your hard line, you don't stand a chance.
I dunno, maybe it's better to focus on platforming your better views than de-platforming those you judge bad. If your views really are better, then you can bring people round to your opinion with proper debate; silencing the opposition because you can't compete is a nice foundation for future fascism.
I get the idea, but that works at a gradual level. Over time you convince more, but not all, to your side.
When your speeches directly incite a mass murder (as the mass murderer alluded to), maybe we don't need to give that a platform.
No, I don't know the answer here, because you're right that the government controlling who can speak is a direct threat to democracy.
There's no paradox. Candace's espoused ideology is an open attack on the social contract, and should therefore not be protected by it.
Why handicap yourself when entering a fight? Do both, do more things as well.
Also we can't pressure any of the platforms to platform anybody. At least we can put a little pressure to deplatform.
By refusing to use all the weapons at your disposal you are making sure the fascists win.
What are you really winning, though, if you take away bad people's public speech or debate? It seems a little like winning the battle but losing the war.
She can still speak publicly and debate. Nobody is taking that away from her. We are denying her entry into our country because she lacks the moral tests we have for entry into the country. We have every right to limit who enters the country. Nobody has a god given right to come to New Zealand and speak. That's just not a right.