It has certainly been annoying, the shortage perhaps more than the price.
My wife and I were keto before the pandemic. Years of struggling just to be less overweight, and all of a sudden with keto we just dropped pounds easily. She has epilepsy too, so animal protein is a key piece of her nutrition. We were actually able to continue through the pandemic at first, but eventually a combination of outbreaks at meat packing plants, the bird flu, and of course the collusion of the major agricultural corporations, meant that we stopped because it was just too expensive. Even our protein powder went from ~$30 for a 10lb package to now $85 for a 3.4lb package.
So we stopped and gained weight. I tried to get us to start again later, but my wife had a hard time sticking to it and kept on buying more bread and rice. We finally managed to make the switch in December. I entered ketosis, started dropping weight, and was really the best I felt in years... Then we got influenza type A. I tried to stay keto through it but eventually had to stop (could not find any keto cough drops).
Okay so that's all done and finally we can get back on keto. Go to buy some chicken and eggs and.... Out of stock everywhere. And since then when it is in stock it's even more expensive than before.
At this point we've already seen the mega food corporations get slaps on the wrist for colluding on reducing supplies and hiking prices for profit- we usually find out a few years after the fact and the news usually gets buried. If only there were a way to truly hold the CEO's and board members of those companies accountable.