Inb4 .ml goons come to praise the "universal Healthcare" China has given its citizens between propagandized whataboutisms regarding 'ThE wEsT'.
Genuine news and discussion about China
There is also a BBC documentary about it.
Troublemakers: Drugged, Framed and Detained -- (Alternative Invidious link, 49 min)
This in-depth investigation reveals how the [Chinese] police found ways to [...] to punish protestors without going through the criminal justice system. With almost no checks and balances, the number of people being illegally sent to psychiatric hospitals is said to be surging.
Testimonies from three protestors, detained for months in secure psychiatric wards reveal how they were restrained, forcibly treated with psychoactive drugs and even subjected to electric shock therapy.
Their crime? “Picking quarrels and troublemaking” - the catch all offence police use to sweep up anyone threatening disturb “social harmony”.
This was a classic USSR tactic after they realized sending everyone who got report to gulag was bad optics.
This treatment was served for people the regime esp had distaste for. Horrible abuse within the system, zero recourse.
Governments anywhere do this.
Don't try to normalize crimes of the state.
I don't normalize it. It was horrible but they did it to me in Europe!
What country? That's not identifiable I should think. Even then, would they care?
The reality is random internet people aren't going to believe an exceptional claim like that without proof. If you don't feel safe providing it, then don't, but you also can't insist we must believe you without it.
Is there any journalism you're aware of on the topic?
Yes they care. They have effectively restricted my communications. Here in Europe. It's just upsetting to see this weaponization of reality. The Brits should do a documentary about their own first. They for sure have their own! I'm not aware of much journalism on the topic!
Stop down voting me! They did it to me in Europe!
Oh do tell
I was recently illegally psych warded with fraud twice. They injected me with drugs without consent.
So what happened? Or are you just trolling?
Long story. Personally identifiable. Tired of getting tied down. I'm still tied down. It's not over for me. See you. You all try to get me into trouble over this.
Ok well I reported you for trolling
I don't think they are trolling read through their comment history its nonsensical and extraordinarily paranoid about everything. Either this guy actually is schizophrenic or they doing some kind of mkultra type experiment on him.
They have a comment history? For me the only history visible is what they left here. I still think it's trolling though, I've met plenty of people with schizophrenia and never experienced any of them being so vague or flipping the table and calling me delusional. They know that they have delusions or they will try to convince you and have lots of detail, just like you'd expect of anyone who is convinced of something and is trying to convince you.
It's all just real and you people are delusional. You believe the psy ops. I'm disillusioned.
Until I see some medical documents for why and what they did I'm doubtful of this claim.
You want to see fraud for illegal incarceration? I have it. You would probably just trust in fraud, why would I trust you?
What are u saying? I want u to provide some evidence to back ur claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence etc etc. Blur out ur personal info (name, DOB, etc).
I let you know I have evidence. I however don't trust you with the fraud for illegal incarceration.
I let you know I have evidence.
Trust me bro isn't evidence
I however don't trust you with the fraud for illegal incarceration.
What does "fraud for illegal incarceration" mean? U believe fraud was committed hence u where illegally incarcerated?
Trust me bro isn’t evidence
Get me to China or whatever and I'll talk to journalists?
What does “fraud for illegal incarceration” mean? U believe fraud was committed hence u where illegally incarcerated?
Seems about right
Get me to China or whatever and I’ll talk to journalists?
If it happened in Europe, you may wish to talk to a lawyer first. Here it just mounts to whataboutism.
No there's just no article or documentary about this reality in Europe. I was tied nude to a bed and injected with drugs without consent! In Europe! Lawyers, psychiatry, judicial system: all corrupt.
This delusional belief that everything is corrupt and u can't trust anyone really sounds a lot like schizophrenia to me.
LOL You can't trust lawyers here! I know! You definitely can't trust psychiatry, police and judicial system. They illegally lock people up with fraud. You're delusional! But that's the psy ops probably.
Your posts have been almost entirely nonsequitors. "I don't trust you with the fraud for illegal incarceration" doesn't even parse as a sentence.
You say you have evidence of... whatever it is, post it.
Evidence is in any case personally identifiable. I would talk to journalists.
Then you don't have any evidence that is relevant to the discussion.
Involuntary institutionalization happens, and can and has been wielded maliciously to political ends in the west, of course. However, the whataboutism here is odd and, at best, tangentially related and unsupported.
No there's just no article/ documentary about this reality in Europe. It happened to me in Europe. Reality is obviously being weaponized. And I do have evidence.
I don't know if you being earnest or not but the reaction of people on here is sad.
They can't grasp the concept just because we have more civil liberties than China does not mean we don't have any violations.
In US, spouses would get another one committed out of spite based on lies. Cops can do it too.
Until camera phones, "nobody" believed that police abuse and kill blacks for no reason. Now it is common knowledge.
If you are in fact earnest, I apologize for people attacking you like this. It aint right when the system abuses you and it worse when other pedons act like it never happened.
Thank you for your comment. I try to be earnest. Given my personal knowledge I see the article as information warfare by the Brits. Police, judicial system, psychiatry, lawyers illegally incarcerate people in Europe with fraud.