"Das Capital" might be the first instance of denglisch ive seen in english
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I was ready to give them the benefit of the doubt and went to look up if Marx maybe did originally spell it with a C (not entirely outside the realm of possibility). No, he didn't. An outrage.
Dachshund is an English word that also shouldn't exist.
Most Marxists just call it "Capital" in the English language, dropping the "das," rather than "Das Kapital." However, as far as I know this appears to be from the original comic, which is hilarious and explains why it's so odd.
Dachshund is an English word that also shouldnβt exist.
Everyone I met from Ramstein spoke major denglisch because the military base.
Going to read Volumes 1-3 of Capital in 2025, it's time. I've read enough of Marx and Engels by this point that it won't be quite so daunting. I encourage others to do the same!
Learn from my mistake: Don't try to listen to it as a Librivox audiobook. Lots of graphs and charts, doesn't go well.
Haha, I don't learn from audiobooks anyways so I'm safe from that!
Perfect! Then I wish you merriment in your journey to find the true value of linen! (A joke you'll understand shortly)