CEO since july, has got into a challenge that he knows is over his head. The only way he thinks he can keep his job is to either, pitch for a subsidy to the government, or pick a fight with the government. This is the launch of that strategy. Either way this goes he still looks like the responsible steward, while the government yet again is made to look like the weak(in pocket)/bad guy, (depending on how the gov reacts). Oh, and afr and other business or right wing rags will pile in on the government, because its Labor, giving the CEO ample space for his crocodile tears laced with threats.
*the last bit may be over reach, reading palace letters by jenny hosking atm, so i'm pretty wound up about unaccountable revanchivist dickheads. Thus ready to see them everywhere.
*Not a subscriber, this comment is based on the first two sentences.