It's not a competition. They're both excellent. But one's writing is intended for you to fall in love with the characters and the other is intended for you to laugh at the characters' misadventures without ever really becoming invested in most of them.
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Not trying to say it's a competition ... I'm more reflecting on what they've meant to me over time and how I didn't really see it coming. Of course everyone is encouraged to enjoy both and more as much as they want.
Otherwise ... yea, what you describe is also a big part of it.
Yeah it's natural that you will feel more sentimental for the one that has character-driven writing rather than the one that is more pure comedy. But FWIW I think the jokes on 30 Rock are funnier on average. That's not a slight against Community, it's hilarious too. But 30 Rock is IMHO the GOAT when it comes to jokes.
Interestingly, Harmon would probably agree.
Like I said, I probably would have thought the same ... but I'm no longer sure.
Like reflecting on all the meta things Community did, which I think count as "jokes", are pretty good and the sort of thing 30 Rock never really touched. The whole Law and Order episode, EG, was ridiculously good! Now maybe that doesn't count as a joke ... but it's certainly a form humour that I personally found epic and masterful ... a parody that is so heartfelt and accurate that you could be convinced you're watching the original except for how absurd it is to be embedded in a college context. Again, probably not what you meant by "jokes", but I don't think it's just about the character-driven writing ... there was an approach to humour in Community that tried to go beyond "jokes" in a way that maybe has more mileage over time than 30 Rock's more jokey style.
Just speculation of course ... I haven't rewatched these recently at all ... in fact the point is to reflect on the impression left over time rather than their actual real-time qualities.
Yeah 30 Rock is rapid fire, like The Simpsons or Airplane! It's so dense with jokes and they are of a very high quality that sometimes you'll be laughing so hard you miss the next one. Community is more about needling at tropes and formulas and really just deconstructing what a TV show even is or can be. It's a different beast entirely, and I love it too (except for the gas leak of course)
It's funny with the gas leak ... I remember not really minding it at the time ... but I'm not sure I can remember any of it!
The writing of 30 Rock is so clever and its jokes per minute rate is off the charts - it's also more conventional in its structure than Community
You're streets ahead!
Ok but the real question is, is Community better than Parks and Recreation?
Community is better. But Michael Schur gets his revenge because The Good Place is better than both.
Ha ... interesting ... they don't feel comparable in the same way to me.
For me Parks & Rec is slightly better than Community.
I love and adore Community, but it's basically a live action cartoon or at least more in line with old school sitcoms than P&R is.
Despite the craziness in P&R, it feels more grounded to me lol.
I love them both, but 30 Rocks got me with a million little ear worms. I was stuck thinking about Tracy Jordan's "inscrutable" license plate this morning (ICU81MI?), and I also sing the "brush your teeth! Brush your teeth! When it's time for bed you gotta brush your teeth!" Song all too often. That's twice just today and I haven't rewatched it in maybe two years?
Agree. And Parks and Rec beats them both.
I just started 30 Rock last month and am roughly halfway through Season 4—no spoilers!
Snape kills Dumbledore.
In the series finale, it turns out that Frank was made entirely of chocolate the whole time.
I watched all comunity but I never really fell in love with it.It's funny but I don't feel like rewatching. Some characters are kind of boring. 30 rock had less boring episodes but it's not my favorite either. I'm a Parks and Rec /The Office / B99 kind of gal. I like to laugh with the same intensity as Pimento looking at cocaine
I loved community... Until the second episode of paintball and then it started to feel generally recycled. But man the first couple seasons are good. Have not tried 30 rock.