A community of people who grew up with Linkin Park? Finally, Somewhere I Belong.
Dad Jokes
This is a community for sharing those cheesy “dad” jokes that invoke an eye roll or chuckle.
- Clean jokes only please. If you cannot tell this joke to a 5-year-old, you probably shouldn’t post it here. Please post edgier jokes to !unclejokes@lemmy.world
- Must post text, image (e.g., meme), or direct link. Do not post external links that cannot be viewed directly from the community (e.g., link to joke website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
- Follow Lemmy.World Code of Conduct
Makes me wonder what the age of the average Lemmy user is compared to the average redditor
I've become so numb to these jokes
Comfortably numb?
Is there anybody in there?
Yeah. I've tried so hard and got so far though.
I’ve tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
Yeah, it's like whenever I read one, I can almost feel something crawling in my skin.
We should be careful now. We don't want to create a new divide.
I chuckled. Then I realized how old that makes me, and OP, and I cried.
maybe you should try breaking the habit tonight
It doesn't even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind.
you told us everything loud and clear, but nobody's listening
God damnit...I upvoted.
I bet it feels good to get that off your Chester
This joke is so bad it might juust be good
Where should I start with Linkin Park?
Can't tell if you're genuinely asking, but if you're listening to it all, the 1000 Suns album should be listened to in order. Back when CDs were popular, a bunch of performers realized they could go straight into the next song without a big pause in between. 1000 Suns does this and it's awesome. They blend the songs, the stories relate and it's an emotional ride to listen to. When They Come For Me has easily become my favorite Linkin Park song. I've been a huge fan since I was a little girl.