Excelston was my first but I feel like the show really hit its stride with Smith and Tenant and theyre sort fo tied for my favorites
Doctor Who
A good old fashioned Doctor Who Community
Was going to say the same. I don't think eccelstone counts to the rule
Eccleston is when I started watching, but Tennant is absolutely my favourite with Smith as a second place.
I have a weird problem. I start out not liking the new Doctor, but by the time they switch, they have become my favorite. Every time.
I absolutely hated Capaldi at first, but after the infinite loop prison episode, I couldn't imagine any other person ever being the doctor again.
Now I feel the same way about Jodie. She was such a fun Doctor that I'm actually sad to see Tennent back.
Heaven sent is truly one of the best episodes of the series. I was entertained, shocked, amused and sad.
Capaldi is my doctor. Started the series with Eccelston. Love them all, though.
"Came the long way around" is something I've adopted saying because of just how powerful it was when he said it. No one else in my family understands it of course, but it left a lasting impression on me.
I started with Eccelston and would say Tennant is my favorite, but Smith follows very closely.
Started watching before Tom Baker's Dr. Who, but it only clicked when he became the doctor for me.
Tom Baker. Then Peter Davison (Tristan!) celery on the lapel and all. Then Eccleson. Then Capaldi.
Me too - Jon Pertwee was my first (older siblings) but Tom Baker was the one when I reached the right age I think
The first Doctor I saw was Pertwee, but Tennant is my favorite. Being a life-long fan, he brought such enthusiasm to the part, and was just completely amazing. I'm hopeful that Gatwa is going to wind up a favorite too, as RTD knows how to pick a great Doctor.
Eccelston was my first doctor, watched through the first season with Smith. Then I started from the beginning. Working through Davison now. So far, my favorite doctor is Pertwee, I just love how tough situations are solved with martial arts and my God, his wardrobe!
Nah, started with Eccleston, but Tennant is the best Doctor.
I think this applies to a lot of people, but I don't like to pick a favourite, especially after listening to Big Finish stuff, coz each Doctor has their own quirks and whenever I try and settle on a choice, I get conflicted. If you forced me to pick thought I would say 4
I would never force anyone to pick! But we all have a preference, and sometimes that preference changes, just like Doctor.
As a child that was the case for me, Tennant was what really captivated 12 year-old me back in the day. But now I have kinda gravitated toward a few.
2, 6 (in Big Finish), 7, 8 and 10 are my favourites out of all of them.
Tom Baker was my first and remains my favorite, so much so I actually cried when he appeared as the curator. For me it was a really emotional moment, stupid I know but it was like a direct road back to my childhood which for me , luckily was a largely happy time.
I started with Eccelston and Matt Smith is my favorite, but I do think Tennant had better stories for the most part. But Tennant is definitely my least favorite of the ones I've seen (up through most of Capaldi's run). He's just too human and whiney, especially later in his run.
I'm ancient and started watching during the gap between the end of McCoy/Classic Who and the beginning of Eccleston/NuWho. I wound up watching a completely random selection of the 4th through 7th Doctors because that was what got played on PBS (KQED and KTEH ftw). The 4th Doctor was definitely my favorite and still is, simply because he really feels alien moreso than any of the other Doctors, to me anyway. Not that I don't greatly appreciate the others - especially Matt Smith, who's the most "fun" of all the Doctors IMO - but when I think The Doctor I still think of Tom Baker.
Also the 3rd Doctor was surprisingly badass and I think is my #3 favorite, surprisingly.
if you’re ancient i must be even ancienter. tom baker is my doctor, and i was highly traumatised at least 3 times i can clearly remember, in order from least to worst:
the white maggots maggoting out of the mineshaft
that shithead adric locking romana out of the tardis when the giant spiders were closing in outside
when the doctor dropped off sarah jane & just after the fucker dematerialised, she realised she had no idea where (or when) he’d left her. IT WAS LIKE THREE DECADES before we found out she was ok. awful.
Would you like a jelly baby?
Started with eccleston, but tennent is by far my favorite. It’s a matter of writing also though ~because when they brought eccleston back for that special he seemed to do much better than during his season. ~
Edit: totally hallucinated eccleston returning in a special. He specifically did not
Doesn't apply to me. Pretty sure Tom Baker was my first Doctor (via PBS reruns). Of the pre-2005 series Jon Pertwee was my favorite.
When nuWho started I was there from the start with Eccleston, but Tennant is my favorite.
I've only watched a few seasons starting with Smith and yeah, he is definitely who the doctor is in my mind.
Mine is Sylvester McCoy, and he wasn't the first Doctor I saw, but he was the Doctor when the show sort of 'clicked' for me and I got properly into it if that makes sense.
When I was a kid, my introduction was Tom Baker. For whatever reason Doctor Who scared me. As an adult I've tried watching Tom Baker Doctor Who and while I think he's hilarious and Douglas Adams' writing is also hilarious, it's not my favorite. I'm not sure why David Tennant is so loved but I'm in that camp, yes.
Whenever I use a cordless electric screwdriver I hum 11's tune.
No. Started watching during Eccleston's run and Tennant is my favourite. Eccleston is my second favourite, though. Shame he only got the one season.
Nope, started with Eccleston and my favorite is Tennant with Smith a close second.
Nope, Smith is my favorite and I started with Tennant (although Tennant is still very much my second favorite)
The pattern does not hold for me.
When I started watching it was on PBS in the United States in the 1980s, and they showed the Doctors in mixed-up order. The Doctor who first caught my eye was Tom Baker, the most popular by far among US viewers and also the one most likely to turn up in the reruns simply because they were rebroadcasting (mostly) stuff from the color era; I loved the grinning madman with jellybabies and scarf with the blasts of Douglas Adams humor. However, when I grew to have a truly favorite Doctor I realized I was a Colin Baker fan and still am.
A lot do love their first Doctor. I'm old school and started watching as a tiny kid and it was Jon Pertwee. I love Tom Baker but Peter Davison became Doctor right when my teen hormones hit so he's my favourite Classic Doctor! Peter Capaldi is my favourite Nu Who Doctor.
I started watching with 11, but my favourite is 12. 7 and 3 come closely behind. And Big Finish 6. You know what? I love nearly all of them with a few exceptions.
No. Although I love the Fourth Doctor, it's the Eighth Doctor that I've enjoyed the most (in books and audios of course).
I wonder if there's a difference between younger and older fans? Younger fans, who've only seen the rebooted show, seem to have an affection for "their" first Doctor.
If I'm honest, these days I find myself thinking about the Doctor as THE Doctor rather than get caught up with any one incarnation. I tend to like particular adventures rather than particular personalities. Some adventures have been great, others less so. I tend to prefer classic Who to the reboot and like stories told over a number of episodes rather than "done-in-ones".
This is like choosing a favorite child, I love them all. I did start with Eccleston and followed the new series from there. For me 10 is still my favorite, with 12 close behind. Haven't watched 13 yet but starting on Jodies series now to catch up for the 60th anniversary.
The doctor when I started watching was Peter Davidson. Who was fine. But for myself I enjoyed Tom Baker and a lot of the stories he was in most. New Who Tennant, Smith, and Capaldi were all up there. Each really bringing something to the series and having a number of good arcs.
This wouldn't apply at all, sorry.
No reason to apologize! Thanks for providing evidence to the contrary, and thanks for contributing your voice!
My first was technically Tenant, the Pompei episode. Just felt weird to me. Didn't try the show again until Moffat & Smith's Eleventh Hour, and fell in love instantly.
I'm worse: Whichever Doctor I watched most recently is likely to be my current favorite, if asked.
I love all the Nu-Who Doctors for different reasons. The fact that there are so many takes on the same character is just fun.
I started watching while Matt Smith was the current Doctor. However, I watched starting with the 9th Doctor and watched the seasons in order. Tenant’s 10th Doctor is and forever will be my favorite though.
That all said, it’s been a while since I actually watched any of Doctor Who. Watched into early Capaldi and then kinda fell off.
This does apply to me. Eccleston was my first and always will be my fav, can't beat the leather jacket. I should give the newer docs a chance, didn't make it through smiths run. And watch classic who too at some point!
Started with Tennant, dropped the show at the end of Smith's run from the burnout, then came back ten years later only to realize Capaldi's my favourite.
I think the break had a lot to do with me reevaluating the show in general though, my tastes have changed.
Nope. 4 was my first, faves are 12, 2 & 5. Hubs first was 9, but 10 is his Doctor.