The first season ended pretty much exactly where I expected it to. Animation was top quality and the fight choreography was great. Felt a little rushed though. I'm hoping season 2 will double the episode count and give some breathing room.
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I thought the pace was fine, we even had at least 1 non-combat episode that I remember, so I don't think they can be accused of rushing through the story to get to the fights, like the God Of High School adaptation.
I think it's also just the case that the source material simply contains a lot of action. In my opinion the general world building etc was incorporated pretty well between the action stuff.
Do we ever get to see Jinwoo's Luck stat?
I think his Luck muscles were stretched to their limits at least a couple of times this episode.
Why does the System choose
Necromancer for his new job?
You would think that any player would leave a trail of bodies as they're leveling up, I mean that's where XPs come from, right?
In any RPG, you don't get (much) XP for being a nice person, or being studious, so by the System's own logic, Necromancer would be a foregone conclusion for any Player.
Yeah, Jinwoo even commented on how odd it is since he is clearly building an assassin. I don't think the system is being entirely impartial with him.
Well, he did leave a trail of bodies of people that were theoretically supposed to be on his side (but actually weren't, because humans), as opposed to just a trail of monster corpses.