Glad it’s happening, but I do wish the Germans would stop announcing precise counts of all the materiel they send in each batch. I feel like it’s a bit counterproductive in terms of giving the Ruskies free force composition intel.
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There's also a morale aspect to war.
My guess is that Germany and Ukraine coordinate on what information they release.
I remember the US putting out a lot of announcements, but not saying anything about sending Ukraine antiradiation HARM missiles until Russian sources started talking about fragments found in targeted systems.
There have not been any official Leopard1 deliveries for months now. We know for a fact, that there are a large number of Ukrainians officially being trained in Germany on them for what looks to be way too long and we also now that there are significantly more actually fully repaired and refurbished Leopard1s in Germany factories. There was no official delivery of Leopard1 for over four months now.
Chances are that the list is incomplete. It is meant to show a lot of weapons are being send to Ukraine and is a good tool to miss lead Russia.
It would be pretty sweet if the spring season opened with a lovely crop of 2-300 Ukranian Leo 1s