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Do Europeans really give their height in cm? You'd think they short hand it like to like 1.7m or whatever since height is one of those things that doesn't really need to be exact and will change by a cm or so based on the kind of shoes you are wearing, or wearing shoes at all.
Unless you happen to be 2 meters tall, yes, you would give your height in cm. You might round it, but you'd never say you're 1.8m tall.
Never? Why never?
Never ask why never.
Not when it comes to height measurement.
...Not when it comes to height measurement.
Lol, I guess I touched a nerve somehow, idk
Well, where I live, 1,85 m is less than average height, 1,90 m is more than average. It's also a noticable difference, especially if you're in the same height range.
That doesn't answer my question at all, but thanks for your input!
The answer is if you round up to 1 digit, these heights are the same. So we give height in cm's, because otherwise it's not a usefull metric.
Except numerous people in this thread say they and people they know give their height in meters. So I guess it's not really never then, huh? Just saying, try not to be so absolute about something so inabsolute.
If they would really give their height in meters, they would almost all be 2 meters except for the very short people.
I mean, you're free to read the comments yourself, but if memory serves, they use decimals. Of course, with the natural logic of the metric system, it's exceedingly easy to convert to centimeters. I just thought it was weird to be so adamant that no one would ever give their height in meters.
That last one is my favorite because they say they only do it in centimeters and then immediately in the next sentence say they also give it in meters, lol.
The difference is, they say meters but with two decimals, which makes it centimeters.
Well no, it makes it meters, because they're saying "meters" and the number is in meters. Yes it's easily convertible to centimeters, you just move the decimal point. But to say "meters but with two decimals so it's not meters" is obviously, comically, inaccurate.
Where I’m from, some people will still use feet/inches only for heights of human beings (weird, I know), but the most common response is in cm. For instance, if you asked me how tall I am I’d say 173cm, but I would say it like “I’m about a hundred and seventy-three” or “one-seven-three” - you don’t really have to say the units. Much the same as you’d say “I’m five foot seven” and you don’t need to specify “inches”.
Well, if someone asks you about it, they'd like to hear a more precise number. They can easily estimate your height at a precision of 10cm.
1.8 is too imprecise. It includes both 1.80 and 1.89. do you think it's fine to approximate your height to the nearest 4 inches?
Why ever would a 6' 2" person bother with the 2"?