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Please be advised that if you use the connect app, it doesn't always correctly parse links to lemmy posts. If they're not working for you, you can follow the whole plotline on my site. (These comics are in reverse chronological order, so start at the end and work backwards.)
Konsi made these sending stones herself, with the Forgeringer (it lets her make magic items.)
Yes, it takes longer than a day to make Sending Stones - even with the artifact hammer a pair of sending stones takes her about ten days. She'd already made them before being asked on the date, but had been too nervous to show Razira.
Dnd memes went full nudes and 18+ content when they changed third party apps a few months ago. No publicities on 18+ content. It lasted for weeks and I never saw so much hentai.
I'm sad that I missed out on this. Any particular, uh... recommendations from that era?
Well there IS the time I realised that DoodlePoodle, that does a well knowned comic, started with a nice rule 34 page...
Yep, you had mentioned that one, was just wondering if there were any others.
By name, not really. I can tell you which I posted myself or that a big part of it was goblin oriented. But it was everywhere, and I don'T really remember any creators, names, or specific ones. It simply was a weird and beaufitul period where a pair of tits or a cunt would piss off assholes at reddit. It was special.
🥲 o7