[Charlie Eccleshare] Tottenham's transfer window: Not enough to wash away disappointment of losing Kane
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Wtf is this guy in about? Spurs players and fans all look in good form and happy. Are they a title contender yet? No, but they are moving out of a terrible era with some really promising performances and hopefulness.
This guy is a gooner if I remember correctly. Also success of Spurs is not so well received by media, doesn't suit their narrative.
Nobody can make a rebuild in single window, even filthy rich chelsky or oil clubs. People judging this window as bad are delusional, especially that we move away from terrorist ball to playing football. Gooners were miserable for two seasons while rebuilding. With Ange this transition is so far smooth. Next month will be a real test when we start playing big guys more often.
Charlie Eccleshare isn't a Gooner, he's Tottenham journalist for The Athletic
@slumberlust @coys
My bad, I saw similar piece from Matt Law, I automatically assumed it was him.