Chained on a bus for hours. No food, no water, no toilet. Guards telling women to urinate on the floor. Twenty-seven crammed into a tiny cell “like sardines,” sleeping on concrete, with one three-minute shower every few days. The stench was so bad, one woman said, “We smelled worse than animals.”
These are not stories from 1940s Europe. This happened last month — in the United States. At ICE’s Krome North Processing Center in Miami. A detention center meant for men, now holding women who committed no crimes — just immigration violations. And they’re still being held.
We need to stop pretending this is just bad policy. The parallels to Auschwitz are undeniable. People rounded up. Held without cause. Crammed into overcrowded, filthy cells. Denied basic hygiene. Treated like they are less than human.
In Auschwitz, they said they were “just following orders.” In ICE detention centers, guards say the same.
In Auschwitz, people were told they didn’t matter because of where they were born. In ICE detention centers, it’s the same logic.
In Auschwitz, suffering became routine — institutionalized. In our immigration system, it already has.
We swore we’d never let this happen again. But it’s happening—right here, right now.
If we still believe in “never again,” then now is the time to act. Not later. Not when it gets worse. Now.
Originally Posted By u/transcendent167
At 2025-03-23 11:01:35 AM
| Source
Look I agree with the overall sentiment of (laundry list of things that SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING) but no this is not "People being shipped to death camps to be mass exterminated" so stop saying that bullshit for shock value.
The concentration camps in Germany didn’t start as extermination camps. First they were work camps and prisons for ideological enemies.
If you wait for the death camps before calling it what it is, it’s too late.
Exactly. No, it isn't a death camp, but these detention centers are the canary in the coal mine and I'd argue it would be foolish to make light of them, considering everything that is happening.