Patch 1.1 Community Feedback Developer Campfire Coming Later This Week - Icy Veins
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Got around level 60 as well with my sorc, but than I couldn’t find I fun build to play AND deal damage that doesn’t require extensive grinding for hours. (If you know one, please let me know)
Now with the patch 1.1.0 they nerfed the critical strike damage and vulnerable damage…
Idk if it is true for every class, but I’ve got the feeling that for sorcs you NEED certain items/aspects for build to even work.
My sorcerer using ice shards / frost nova at level 70 was still blasting through everything. I hadn't even bothered levelling paragon glyphs or anything, so I imagine it'd be even better if I did.
But I spent the last week or two playing as a barbarian to level 65 and it was just so much fun smashing everything.
I probably won't play until the weekend, then will make a start on season character. I'm thinking I'll go rogue as I haven't even tried that class yet.
With the ice shards I always had mana issues and I used frost nova since the beginning… I just wanted to play with fire (haha) magic because it looks cool and do a bit of an imperator role play with arc, but I never managed to create a good build that was also fun to play…
Or maybe I’m just bad with my sorc haha
Well, at higher levels, fire sorc is in a bad place.
I know and it is since launch… it’s just sad so see that 80% of the skills in the skill tree are just not viable.
I really had enough frost nova and arc leash, I just wanted to casually mix it up a bit, you know? And have some casual fun in the evening with friends and see fireworks on the screen without thinking too much haha