Not a horrible place to be stuck, though. Pop!_OS is pretty great. I run it on my media server and it’s been rock solid. I definitely wouldn’t mind running it on an old laptop.
Ones I’ve personally heard:
parking (either insuficient or too tight)
speed of service in restaurants
“why don’t they speak english?!”
accessibility for the disabled (this one is actually pretty fair, but it’s also very hard to fix)
Edit, PS: the lack of public toilets is also a fair complaint. It’s also a pretty common one, even in New York and London. Amsterdam comes to mind as a decent counter-example, at least for men. There are urinals strewn about most everywhere in the city.
This exactly. The idea that Marko could have quietly snuck a clause in Max’s contract is ludicrous. With hundreds of millions of $$$ at stake, you can bet any legal document is subject to serious scrutiny.
It won’t. They’ll still visit in droves and complain about the parking.
HP can subscribe to a suckable bag of dicks
I guess you might be hearing it movies set in New York City, which is in the southern tip of the state of New York. All the other notable cities, the Catskill mountains, Niagara Falls, and other attractions are all further north, or upstate. I wouldn’t be totally surprised if the expression got picked up by a wider crowd to mean “north”.
ugh, this one was a wee bit painful
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Respectfully, but what the actual fuck are you talking about? I grew up in the shittiest of shitty SE-European countries, and we had daily lunch coupons that we could spend at any restaurant, cafe, grocery store etc. I never once went hungry at school, or went into debt. The very concept would absolutely abhor every European person I know.
Yes, we have our own problems. Tons of them. Some very serious. But the safety and basic human rights/needs of children is absolutely not one of them.
TIL that students’ lunch debt is a thing that exists 😳 In the words of Lauren Mayberry, “Americans are fucking weird”.
Wordle 988 3/6
I think you’re missing the point a wee bit. No one (introverted or otherwise) is arguing against in-person socialising in general. They are arguing against forced in-person socialising with co-workers.
online meetings are extremely transactional
Exactly. You know what else is transactional? Jobs. The employer and employee exchange work for currency. Employees don’t owe their employer any meaningful relationships with their co-workers. I’m sure that means less efficient business. I also don’t give a flying fuck.
Absolutely! Shitty, entitled tourists are everywhere and hail from everywhere. It’s part of the reason travelling is such a pain nowadays.