
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

Eh, we will need transportation for goods to stores and deliveries to offices.

But I am all for banning personal cars in cities.

I have an idea for a completely infeasable new type of city, it would be super cool, but at the moment I believe that only China would have the resources for it.

The city would need to be planned from the start.

Building it would start with digging tunnels beneath the new city, there would be four levels.

  1. Pedestrian Metro.
  2. Local freight rail for deliveries.
  3. Clean utillities (fresh water, power and coms)
  4. Sweage.

For system 2 you would have a system with driverless trains, with stations at every block or where a big customer would be, you would also need to build an underground transfer point, where trucks and trains would arrive and goods would be sorted to local freight lines. At the customer stations you would have a system where freight cages would roll out to individual locked cages for local customers to pick up and walk back to their facility through underground walkways at the same level.

As the city grows the first underground transfer point would be demoted to another sorting facility and the truck access would be cut off.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

I remember back in 2014-2015, working the night shift and watching a video about Elon, which gushed about him being an entrepeneur, and found it really strange to make all the claims about him being a fantastic person just because he ran a business.

This was peak hyperloop hype, which was also very odd to me, as I remember reading a pop-sci magazine a decade earlier about Swiss metro, which was the same idiotic concept, but with less cool graphics...

[–] 4 points 8 hours ago

Apparently yes.

[–] 5 points 8 hours ago

Clearly a spam call, ignore

[–] 21 points 13 hours ago

Since they use "Seagate's" rather than "Seagate", it indicated that it is Seagate who owns this scandal, using "Seagate" would change the meaning of the name to be a descriptive word, which wouldn't claim to own the scandal.

[–] 8 points 13 hours ago

rips off mask, exposing horrible insect head

"How did you know?"

[–] 18 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

Ok, first of all, I fully agree with you, this is a horrible tragedy regardless of what type of car or bike was involved.

I didn't try do shift blame or derail anything, calm down, I just woke up when I wrote that.

Don't treat people don't confess their undying support for your cause as the enemy, that is letting perfect be the enemy of good.

[–] 20 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

Then you ask your friend for some sugar in water....

[–] 52 points 14 hours ago (11 children)

As a concept SUVs should not exist.

They are unstable, heavy and slower to react than normal cars, also the proportions of the design of the SUV are ugly.

[–] 1 points 14 hours ago

Unions in the US seems to mostly be focused on a single location (yes I know there are large/national as well), we mostly hear about how a single factory/plant/workshop/office is unionized, but others are not.

Here in Sweden, we have sector based unions, I am an IT technician, and a decade long member of the union for skilled service workers, we have unions for hospital staff, restaurant/hotel staff, transportation workers, dockworkers, and basically every other kind of worker has a union that fits them.

Here sympathy strikes/actions are also legal, when Toys 'R Us tried to establish stores without allowing union staff members, other unions started sympathy actions, the transport union would refuse to transport their goods, the graphic designers union would not print their ads or store materials, the financial workers union would not process their invoices, and so on, and despite them coming in hard with their whole "we don't work with unions" crap, they soon caved in and did a 180, though that didn't stop them from crashing and burning in a relatively short time after.

Currently we have a similar situation with Tesla, they refuse to sign a collective bargaining agreement with the auto workers union, when the strike started Tesla started bringing in strike breakers from other EU countries, this has been going on for a year now, and there are sympathy actions going on, dockworkers refuse to unload Teslas, so they are being shipped in by road with non union labour, postal workers have refused to send out license plates for new Teslas, this has lead to a weird situation where Tesla is sending the license plate to a separate guy who was recently discovered to be a convicted criminal, I don't know how this solves the issue for Tesla, and the electrical workers union have refused to install new Tesla chargers.

Sweden has actually very few laws regulating the relationship between employers and workers, that is instead dealt with between the employers and the unions, we have no legal minimum wage, that is instead dealt with through negotiations between employers and unions, there are regular negotiations in every sector, including some strikes here and there to show the power of the union.

The US workers needs something like this, though I doubt it will ever be allowed to exist.

[–] 1 points 15 hours ago

Sooooo, just normal AITA?


Yes, I am also on pixelfed:


Hur i helvete kan man tycka att detta är ok?

Hoppas gubbfan åker tid så det svider om det.


I just watched a video from Extractions&Ire about Yttrium, and since I live close to where it was discovered I asked in the comments if I should go there and take a photo, which was heavily upvoted, so I go there and took some photos, upload them to my pixelfed and post the link in the original comment.

And YT immediately removes the entire thread including other comments.

Any one know if Google/YT has a particular beef with


Ok, this is in Swedish, so you may not understand this...

This is the description of a fairly boring building in an industrial area, the agent is going ALL IN on rhyming on the same type, every line ends with "-ren":

I thought I was going insane when I read it...

Here is the listing:


Also, since it was very slippery outside, two or three lorries was getting a tow on the other side of the main road, I spoke to a friend about that while passing the site, making a mental note to take a different road back. I then forgot that note...


Idag släppte SVT dramaserien baserat på händelserna när U-137 gick på grund utanför Karlskrona:


Jag tänkte förösöka mig på något nytt här, vi läser ju alla om olyckor som händer här under året, men det är inte så vanligt att man får läsa om vad som faktiskt hände och vad vi kan göra för att undvika problemen i framtiden, så för att råda bot på detta tänkte jag lägga upp en post här med länkar till Haverikommisionens slutrapporter de publicerat under året.

Vissa av rapporterna är inte publicerade av dem själva utan av en utländsk utredningsmyndignhet, detta gäller främst flygplansolyckor/tillbud, och anledningen till att dessa publiceras på överhuvudtaget är att de involverar Sverige på något sett och att Havkom samarbetat med den utländska utredningsmyndigheten.

Allvarligt tillbud med ett flygplan av typen SAAB 340 i Mellbourne -

Personolycka ombord på ett ro-ro fartyg på resa mellan Göteborg och Kiel -

Olycka med ett svenskregistrerat flygplan av typen Cessna 414 i Boulmane-regionen, Marocko -

Olycka med JAS 39 Gripen i samband med landning på Ronneby flygplats, Blekinge län -

Allvarligt tillbud med ett flygplan av typen SAAB 340 i Canberra, Australien -

Allvarligt tillbud med ett flygplan av typen SAAB 340 nära Bunbury, Australien -

Allvarlig olycka på Kebnekaise -

Allvarligt tillbud med ett flygplan av typen SAAB 340A nära Cobar flygplats, Australien -

Urspårning med Arlanda Express vid Blackvreten -

Olycka med ett flygplan av modellen SOCATA MS 893 A -

Kollisionstillbud mellan två flygplan vid Arendal flygplats Gullknapp, Norge -

Mycket allvarlig olycka med åkattraktionen Jetline på Gröna Lund i Stockholm -

Olycka med en helikopter av typen Bell-206B med registrering SE-JOD den 1 juli 2023, Adolfström, Norrbottens län -

Allvarligt tillbud - intrång på landningsbana efter landning med ett flygplan av typen SAAB 340B på Shellharbour flygplats, Australien -

Olycka med ett flygplan av modellen Antonov AN2 med registrering
SE-KCE den 8 juli 2023, vid Vårgårda, Västra Götalands län -

Olycka med ett motorsegelflygplan av modellen Diamond-H36 Dimona med registrering SE-TUI den 9 juli 2023, väster om Örnsköldsvik, Västernorrlands län -

Urspårning med SJ tåg 50562 på sträckan Iggesund - Hudiksvall -

Personolycka i samband med lastning på MS Eckerö i Grisslehamn -

ROERBORG – fallolycka i Oxelösund -

Allvarlig personolycka med bygghiss -

FINNPARTNER - Tillbud till mycket allvarlig sjöolycka i Norra Hamnen, Malmö -

Plankorsningsolycka utanför Uddevalla -

Olycka med varmluftsballongen SE-ZIX öster om Vadstena -


I am about to take delivery of a new monitor, a Dell Ultrasharp U2724D, and I have a question about the audio....

I know this sounds confusing, but hear me out...

I built my computer a few years ago, sadly the audio broke a few days later, I first the rear output stopped working, then I used the front output and a few days later the cable I used caught my chairs armrest and my computer fell on it's side, during this the headphone jack broke.

I currently use the headphone out on my Philips monitor and run it to a generic noname analog amplifier to my Roth Audio OLi RA-1 speakers, this works fine, but there is an issue with the new monitor.

It does not have a headphone out, but a line out.

Would you expect a generic amp to work with that?

I bout the amp seven/eight years ago at the Swedish chain store Kjell & Company, it is labelled "Roxcore A32" and has two RCA inputs at the back.

I have no idea about this.


[This is at least the final part of this series, I have gone through the thread from beginning to end, there is plenty more content in the thread, I have only taken one story per post, even when there are multiple funny stories in the same post.

I may get back to this later, in the meantime, I hope you have enjoyed these posts and please enjoy this last part as well.]

Post ID 01198

Author: Area1056

Fyraårsåldern: Fest på lantstället och jag och min kusin klättrade in i en parkerad bubbla, lyckades krångla ur handbromsen och rullade ned ekipaget i grönsakslandet. Kommer inte ihåg hur de fick upp den.

About 4 years old, there was a celebration at our vacation home, me and my cousin climbed in to a parked VW Beetle, we managed to disengage the handbrake and the car rolled down a hill into a vegatable garden. I can't remember how they got it out of there....

Post ID 01213

Author: Le bête

 10 år Dagen efter valborgsfirandet på min lokala idrottsplats var jag och några kompisar där och smällde upp våra resterande smällare. När smällarna var slut så började vi tävla vem som kunde göra största brännmärkena på åkern. Just som när jag får ett fint litet svartmärke ropar min kompis att han behöver hjälp med att släcka sin eld och det gör jag. Problemet är att jag glömmer släcka min eld och den tar fyr som bara den och bränner ner allt gräs på åkern plus att elden sprider sig till knatteplanerna bredvid som blir helt svarta. 

Två dagar efter blev min fotbollscup inställd och alla var besvikna och undrade vilka ligister som hade gjort detta. De fem farbröderna som hjälpte oss att släcka med krattor sa inte att det var vi utan skrattade bara efteråt och berättade att de själva hade startat gräsbrand när de var i vår ålder, men då hade deras rektor kommit på dem.

10 years old, the day after Walpurgis night, me and my friends were the local sports field using up our last firecrackers since the night before.

When we ran out of firecrackers we started competing to find who could make the largest burn mark on a farmed field.

Well, as I am making a nice black mark, my friend calls out that he needs help putting his fire out, which I do, but I forgot my own fire which takes off, burning all grass on the field as well as the kid's football [soccer] fields next to the field turning them completely black. We got help from five adults, and finally got the fire put out

Two days later my football tournament got cancelled due to this, and everyone got pissed wondering who did it.

The five adults who helped us didn't rat us out, ans later just laughed and explained that they themselves had started a big grass fire as kids, but their headmaster found out....

Post ID 01266

Author: Ankora

jag glömmer aldrig när jag och några kompisar hittade en nyckel i skolan som vaktmästaren hade glömt.Detta utspelade sig på tiden när Ankora ännu gick i sjuan på högstadiet..Intelligenta och nyfikna som vi var,begav vi oss till godisförrådet där vi snabbt plockade i godis i två bagar...

Vi tog inte allt utan det mesta var fortfarande kvar,hursomhelst så var vi så snälla att vi sedan lämnade nyckeln på samma ställe som vi hittade den...

Några dagar senare fick vi höra hur några äldre gossar hade hittat nyckeln där vi lagt den,och sedan åkt dit när en lärare kommit på dom i godisförrådet...

De nekade självklart till att de hade hunnit ta något godis,men de fick betala för det ändå...Vi var väldigt tysta om vad vi hade gjort...

I'll never forget when me and a few friends found a key that the caretaker had forgot about.

This was at school when we were 13, well as intelligent and curious 13 year olds we went straight for the kiosk's sweets storeroom, and filled up two bags full of sweets.

We didn't take everything, most remained in the storeroom, and we were kind enough to put the key back where we found it.

Well, a few days later we heard that some older boys had got caught in the storeroom....

They obviously denied that they had had time to take anything, but still had to pay, We were very, very quiet about this.

Post ID 01275

Author: Gredelin

Elva år: Jag och samma kompis gillrar fällor för mina föräldrar. Fäster en likadan hink med sytråd i pappas tandborste, fyller den med målarfärg och ställer den ovanpå spegeln. När min far kommer hem, stressad som få på väg till en avtackningsceremoni för en arbetskamrat, lyckas han med konststycket att få all målarfärg över sin enda rena vita skjorta varpå han får gå iklädd en illgrön skjorta istället. 

Anledningen till att vi byggde fällor hos mig var att han var känd för sin korta stubin, och låt oss säga att det illvrålet gav oss vårt lystmäte, tror vi låg under sängen i gästrummet bakom låst dörr i säkert en halvtimme efter att han åkt...

11 years old, me and a friend make traps for my parents, we fill a tiny bucket with paint, tie a sewing string to it and put it on top of the bathroom cabinett.

We tied the other end of the string to my dad's toothbrush...

Well, my dad comes home after work, stressed like crazy to get changed and get to a work function, only to get paint all over his only clean white shirt, and had to take a bright green shirt instead.

The reason we liked to mess with my dad was his quick temper, and let me tell you, the roar comming from the bathroom was a fantastic reward for our efforts.

We stayed under the bed in a locked room for about half an hour after he left.

Post ID 01340

Author: absentis

14: Var skapligt full, tog mig fram på en sån här liten röd bobcat-bil med en brandsläckare i högsta hugg och släckte marshaller på en lokal restaurant.

14 years old, drunk, riding a small red plastic toycar, carrying a fire extinguisher, going around town putting  out outdoor candles [common in scandinavia, they are a big lump of parafin wax with a thick wick all in a metal cylinder] at a restsurant.

Post ID 01349

Author: stevensegall

Samma kompis och jag byggde en tandemcyckel på tekniken i skolan, alla tyckte den blev fin osv, vi provade den på skolgården.

Det blev ingen höjdare när en lärare fick se oss och stoppade oss. Den ena cyckeln vi hade byggt av var ju hennes, som hade försvunnit e vecka innan från skolans cyckelställ.

A friend and me built a tandem bicycle in the mechanics class at school, everybody thought it looked great and we tested it in the school yard.

It was fun until a teacher stopped us, she recognized one of the bikes we used as hers which had disappeared from the bike rack at school a week before.

Post ID 01350

Author: Vuxensnusk

vi körde alltid en grej när jag var cirka 8-9 år, vi brukade alltid dra till en 70-väg nära där jag bodde, ganska lite trafik och så, och rulla ut stora jävla snöbollar på vägen och kolla när bilarna stannade och folk gick ur och försökte sparka sönder snöbollarna.

En kväll bestämde vi oss för att köra en variant på det hela och lägger en trästock över vägen som vi täcker med snö. När vi är klara och har lagt oss i skogen kommer en stor range rover i bra fart åkande, han bromsar en bit innan, stannar ett tag och ser ut att fundera, han bestämmer sig för att det bara är snö och kör genom vår lilla barrikad i kanske 50 kilometer i timmen.

Det smäller duktigt fram i plåten på bilen, plåten längst ner liksom böjer sig in under motorhuven och gubben hoppar ut svinförbannad och börjar jaga springa upp mot vårat gömställe i skogen, som tur var hann vi undan den gången, hade blivit halvtrist om päronen hade fått dega skadorna... ingen billig kärra att paja...

8-9 years old, me and a few friends used to go to a larger road (70km/h speed limit) near where I lived and roll out larg no e snowballs on the road to watch drivers stop, get out and kick the snowpballs so they broke.

This road had a fairly low number of cars passing every day so we had time, so one evening we decide to spice up our prank.

We find a log and pull it across the road, then we cover it with snow.

When we were done, we get to our hiding spot and wait....

Soon a big Range Rover comes at a good speed, he sees the obstruction and stops well short of it, he stays there for a while, considering hioptions but decide that it is only snow and goes for it.

He hit the barrier at what I estimate was 50km/h, there is a big crash, the bodywork lowest down folds in under the bonnet.

The driver jumps out pissed as hell and start running up to our hiding spot, luckily we managed to make our escape, it would not have been fun for our parents to have to pay for those dammages, they looked quite expensive....

Post ID 01523

Author: Emilnr7 

När jag var sisådär 7-8 år så hade vi småstjärnorna eller något liknande på Skolan och då ville jag och en kompis vara Nordman så vi plockade fram saxen man egentligen var tvungen att fråga om man fick låna och klippte bort vartenda hårstrå vi såg på huvudet. Men vi var inte helt nöjda så vi beslutade oss för att klippa lite hål i våra kläder för att vi skulle se ännu häftigare ut. Minns att morsan var jävligt lack efteråt men whatever vi vann ju

7-8 years old, our school arranged a talent show, me and a friend decided to perform as Nordman [a Swedish neo folk rock duo], we got hold of the scissors, which we were supposed to ask to use,  and cut off all our hair in our heads, this wasn't enough and we cut holes in our clothes as well to get the right look.

I remember my mom were rather annoyed with me, but eh, we did win...

Post ID 01534

Author: Dalaran

Jag skulle unna mig en portion glass för några år sedan och när jag hämtade en tub med kolasås fick jag plötsligt en idé - om jag lägger ner tuben på golvet och hoppar på den, kommer skruvkorken att flyga iväg då? 

Sagt och gjort, det hände inte ett skit med korken men toppen av tuben gick sönder och det flög kolasås över hela golvet.

I wanted to treat myself to some ice cream a couple of years ago, so I grabbed the tube of caramel sauce and got an idea.

"...if I put the tube on the floor and jump on it will the lid pop off?"

Well, there was only one way to find out and I had the tools...

The lid stayed in place, but the top of the tube broke and I got caramel sauce all over the entire floor.


This is real.

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