Anybody who keeps their money on an exchange any longer than necessary is just asking for trouble. An exchange is like a public toilet. You get in, you shit, and you get the fuck out. You don't hang around in a public toilet.
Self custody or GTFO.
Anybody who keeps their money on an exchange any longer than necessary is just asking for trouble. An exchange is like a public toilet. You get in, you shit, and you get the fuck out. You don't hang around in a public toilet.
Self custody or GTFO.
With pleasure beautiful
Glad I can help.
To be completely honest, I had no idea that bug even existed until you just mentioned it. So I guess I've been missing out on a few devices and didn't even know about it.
I'd say go ahead and get it and then when the bug is fixed you'll just get more devices than you otherwise would have.
Okay, in that case you should be fine. I've just noticed that with the 5V 1A chargers that it takes about 3 hours to fully charge from completely dead to completely full. Which is why I said that it would depend on how far you drive per day.
Depending on just how long you drive for on a daily basis, you might occasionally need to charge it from a wall outlet at home. But the cigarette lighter should definitely keep it mostly charged.
I've been doing a battery test on it and between its internal battery and a backup battery that you use to charge a cell phone. I've kept it running for 20 days now without plugging it into the wall.
About three or four days with the GPS turned off, although I'm not certain what it would be with the GPS turned on.
I also just turned down my transmit power from 1 watt to 0.5 watts by changing the value to 27 dBm, since I can connect to the router just fine with lower power, which should save me some battery, but I just did that so I don't know what the results will be yet.
Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were on Windows. That's a Linux command. I haven't used Windows very much since about 2018, so I don't even consider Windows anymore unless it's brought up.
Weird. I can't even tell you how many times I've used that command. But it's probably been several thousand. And I've never screwed up a flash drive that way.
There has been once or twice where I've pulled the flash drive out too quickly after it finished writing and it actually hadn't finished writing and had to redo it, but other than that, I've not actually screwed up any drives beyond repair or anything.
Lol, nice one
There was no question. There was a statement.