I am from a Brahmin caste and I am telling you hindu texts support and practice casteism. Read Gita, women, shudras and vaisyas are born of sinful vagina. You westerners only see the distorted messages and translation by hindu ISKON and other sects. Krishna says, " I have created the 4 castes " Arjuna says in Gita, the intexmixing of castes creates sin and thus downfall. In Chandogya upanishad it is said , those who do bad things and karma they are born in chandala caste (those who burn corpse) . If you cannot believe all humans are born free and equal you have no right to support communism.
you are a Hindu not a communist . A Hindu who worships vedas and gita/ Brahminical gods cannot be a communist . As Ambedkar has said , to defeat caste you have to completely demolish Vedas . You are blabbering gibberish about planets to justify the wretched caste system nothing else. A man cannot be a commie if he believes a certain people is inborn wretched .
Religions as Hinduism is apartheid affirmative , it can go any length to justify the caste system and then say brahmins are good and etc. The hindu religion or Hindu gods worshiping is only allowed to an insignificant 15 percent of the Indian population , rest the dalits , the untouchables and the tribal people (indigenous prior to Aryans ) are excluded from the Hindu social life. If you take Buddhism then it has discarded Vedas and Hindu religion totally but it got gradually expunged from the society and India due to numerous reasons and due to being a realist idea which was too unorthodox for India itself.
no , its not real in any sense , Hindu religion and culture will always be fascistic , why ? Because the 2 upper castes of hindus are top parasites and in hindu literature it has been extensively said that the working class and farmers should be excluded from all social life and be slaves of the 2 castes . The culmination of hindu culture and idealism is Hindutva or Hindu Rashtra , creating an apartheid state where all things will be ensalved to the 2 upper caste . The difference between Zionism and Hindutva is that Zionists promote them as progressives and pro LGBT but hindutva upper castes don't have to , they want to enslave even their women . It will happen I warn you .
This guy is a Indian hindu nationalist but has left wing vibes. Not saying everything hindu is bad but he won't criticize Modi and hindutva .
Because of Putler /s
There is also one thing those who were forced to leave the Russian market had to sell their companies at a very low price or government just seized it with backhand . Means first it went to some shady private players and then it to the close confidants of Putin who are just state puppets.
Well it's America's destiny to crumble like house of cards I believe 🤣
Behold Jesus birthday in Bengali culture
Salad has nothing to with the genocide, he did all he could, maybe you should ask your Arab brothers to cancel next Ramadan and Hajj just to show solidarity towards Gaza or atleast the Saudis will come to some sense.
I understand comrade, merry Christmas, there are millions who will celebrate today and you should celebrate with your family and such.
No, they are saying Russia started the peace negotiations