da brauchen die keine geheimen Gruppen.
proof that you can rationalise every crazy videogame accessory... for display purposes.
By that logic, you shouldn't even wear leggings.
warning, fucking loud
honestly, could be a chocolate cake.
great, now I’m picturing birds floating in the air-- wait
Thanks for sharing. Yes, normal people. Always vote. That’s what that movement is called.
PS: Whisky sucks
yeah, this is gonna need updating
good question! You used the correct pronoun. Even more correct: that man was Assigned Female At Birth. He was always a man. You’re right, the point is exactly that it shouldn’t matter, just like bi/homo/hetero, or nonbinary/female/male. But as long as rightists unfortunately make it matter, we need to talk about it.
yes. Relish the beautiful silence.
"it’s just not funny."
I mean, it’s literally a Thor’s hammer