A lot of coal burning if I remember correctly. They need a lot of heat in winter.
Here is an infinite sequence, always growing, but never reaching the value 1:
0, 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16, 31/32,...
So infinite growth is possible.
Sad. Which Russian delivery company is that on the right?
Well the EU has many great carbon neutrality targets. Not sure if we reach them tho, lol.
As for peaking of CO2 emissions. A handful of countries have reached a peak a few years ago. The chance is good they will never come back to that level again. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/consumption-co2-per-capita?time=latest
Wikipedia says they are supposed to happen end of October, but it is uncertain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Ukrainian_parliamentary_election?wprov=sfla1
One would need this
Working Procedures for the State Council” that was published on official websites on March 18.
Paper to check if the article is correct. However I don't want to waste my time looking for a rule book, when I only have the name in English. Why can't they just link to this supposedly official sources, lol.
I see 9(?) tanks. So how many are left? I have something like 100 leopards in my head?
Yepp. I fucking hate it how we created 100 billion for the military out of thin air, but do not have money for housing, feeding the poor and education.
Good, it's about time the US century ends.
Which currencies got the share from the US dollar?
Even the Washington post write about the US militaries involvement in top gun.
It is an open secret the US intelligence agencies use Hollywood for propaganda. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2022/05/27/top-gun-maverick-us-military/
I wait for the day anti green politicians in Germany stop pointing at the alleged biggest polluter in the world (China) saying: "whY shOuLd wE do soMEThInG agAinSt clImatE cHaNGe, if TheY donT foLlOw"?