I keep getting errors on FreeTube on Linux.
Well the USB WiFi works fine.
However now my issue is I can’t install Mint onto the laptop. It keeps saying it can’t install GRUB onto the SSD.
I think it’s because even though I’ve deleted the windows partitions using the Mint installer the ASU’s BIOS still has Windows Bootloader as an option.
Hopefully taking the SSD out of the laptop and fully erasing it will let me install Mint.
Exploring isn’t an act of war. But repeatedly violating another species borders after being warned away is very much an act of war.
They were never mentioned again. They were swapped out for budget reasons as the VFX would have been very expensive.
It’s a shame they were never explored in Voyager.
Oh shit. Sorry for the spoiler.
The Dominion must have recognised that the attack wasn’t ordered by the Cardassian government or they wouldn’t have accepted them into the Dominion.
But again. If they had all stayed in the Alpha Quadrant as warned there wouldn’t have been as issue.
It applies to every non-Federation civilisation. Part of it does include not interfering with pre-warp planets but that’s just part of it.
Also they have no jurisdiction over Cardassians affairs.
But Prime Directive or not, the Federation started that war.
Lower Decks effectively rendered Discovery non-canon in its finale so now it takes place in an alternate universe.
I’m with you on streaming. I like to OWN things, and nothing beats a 4K Blu Ray for at home viewing.
The DOJ claimed that "copies of Spider-Man: No Way Home were downloaded tens of millions of times, with an estimated loss to the copyright owner of tens of millions of dollars."
Nope, they didn’t lose anything close to that. Perhaps nothing at all.
The kind of people that torrent movies the vast majority of them never had any intention of paying for it, ever. A small minority may use torrents as a free trial of sorts, to see if the movie is worth them parting with their cash on a Blu Ray.
I do this with games. If a game is £60 or £70 and has no demo or trial available I will torrent it to see if I like it without having to worry about the two hour refund limit. If I do I buy it legally and play it. If not it gets deleted and I haven’t wasted £70 on a game I won’t play.
Studios always claim every download is a lost sale, which simply isn’t true.
I play everything natively on the Ally. I have a PS Portal if I want to stream games.
I picked Mint because it’s the most beginner friendly to someone who has never used Linux before.
Likely depends on your VPN. I use Proton and it’s fine.