
joined 1 year ago
[–] -4 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

National Guard, Marines, Navy, whatever the fuck. They are all the same thing when the country is actively under attack and the government is being hunted by an armed force.

They ALL chose to sit on their asses and wait to see who would be the winner. End of story. The military didn't do shit and won't do shit no matter who is in charge. Because their leadership are career bureaucrats who just want to get more medals and stars on their shoulders while collecting a paycheck in an org that, ironically, definitively proves that socialism and even communism CAN work.

[–] -2 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

I'll just speed run this interaction if you don't mind:

  • Me: An unelected individual was engaged in a violent insurrection to murder Congress and the chain of succession so that he could stay in power
  • You: Well, this government act says the army can't operate on US soil unless the POTUS orders them to do so
  • Me: The former POTUS was the one engaged in said violent insurrection
  • You: The military is required to uphold the US constitution. Support the troops!
  • Me: The US constitution that the commander in chief was using to wipe his ass?
  • You: Ugh, I just can't with trolls like you

We've been down this road. We know how it plays out. There is no "what if?" only "what happened?"

[–] 19 points 14 hours ago (7 children)

The army already made it clear it wouldn't do shit back on January 6. This is just being extra.

[–] 8 points 2 days ago

American (and many other countries) penal system is about suffering, not rehabilitation.

[–] 8 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I am of two minds on the subject.

On the one hand, I am a bleeding heart liberal who figures that they have definitively made it clear they can do the job so let them do it.

On the other hand, firefighters (less so the wildfire fighting variety) are often in incredibly tense people centric situations. If we had a penal system that at all cared about rehabilitation I would be all for it. As it stands... background checks exist for a reason. And I still think there needs to be much more thought rather than just "You have a record, get out".

Regardless: Fucking pay them for the job while they do it.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

Facebook got FBI_README.txt at the root of their DC++ share.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

And now ableist bullshit.

Well. I guess this is what we get when people leave reddit. Oy

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (12 children)

No link, a one week EA period (?!?!?!), and HTML everywhere.

You REALLY screwed up this advertisement.

[–] 48 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I was going to say Trudeau should call him "vice president trump" to point out how subservient he is to musk but... I guess that is why there is the "governor" rhetoric. Like always, it is fascists projecting. trump might only be a VP in his own admin but that is still better than a governor and all that stupidity.

[–] 11 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

There isn't money in physical mail and cranking that up will just push people even farther into digital correspondence.

Amazon has spent years (well over a decade now?) trying to cut out the USPS. The reality is that they can't. Their gig delivery driver model works for some regions but not for "rural america". And there is a lot of money in being the only lifeline many households have while being able to offload the high cost low frequency deliveries to a different company (USPS).

Five or ten years ago? Yeah, amazon wanted that. Now? It is actively not in their interest and would hurt their business model for the USPS to die.

Destroying the USPS has almost nothing to do with "good business" or even privatizing it. It is all about controlling information. It kills vote by mail almost instantly but it also removes the ability for informational mailers to be sent out. And an isolated populace is a stupid populace and a stupid populace is a republican populace.

Its the same reason social media was so compromised. Because then all the useful idiots tell people to "just unplug and enjoy your day to day life" and then they never hear about protests or human rights violations or...

[–] 29 points 3 days ago

Last mile is what let's them sell. If people can't buy online they go back to brick and mortar and start questioning if that shoe horn is really worth a twenty minutes drive.

[–] 70 points 3 days ago (10 children)

Not just mail.

Most (all?) of the package delivery services rely heavily on USPS for last mile deliveries. So expect UPS and Amazon to be sending people to the golf course to scream at fuckface


Been getting in the mood for an Armored Core 4 run and there is zero chance I ever dig my PS3 out of the closet ever again. Also more stable framerates would be nice.

So, these days, which emulated console (and emulator) is "best" for this generation? My assumption is 360 because of the CBE but the PS3 was a REAL sicko console and has relatively little backwards compatibility, so that might have been a bigger motivator for the development community.



So I picked up a facebook quest 3 to get back into PCVR and to have some standalone fun too (also to force Valve's hand to release Deckard sooner than later because that is how things work).

Wouldn't mind getting an actually comfortable headstrap and maybe checking out what games are worth looking at. But it is REALLY hard to figure out which outlets are worth listening to and which are just playing the SEO and "sponsored but not really" bullshit game.

So... any suggestions? Thanks.


Bit of a weird question but how do you store and organize your models/STL files?

I do most of my CAD in OnShape these days so I have The Cloud for all the convenience and future horror of that. And... when I grab stuff from one of the sites like thingiverse... I SHOULD save the model but I don't and it has only bothered me once when I lost my webcam cover. And I probably spent more time searching for a replacement than it took to just make my own.

But I want to get more into kickstarters (... I feel dirty) and buying cool models and those I DO want to archive and save.

Most likely I'll just make a folder structure and sync it to my NAS with syncthing. But are there any better/more elaborate solutions? One of those "have server, will spin up container" things but figured I would ask first.



I've been using News for Nextcloud for the past year or so and love it. But it recently broke (refuses to pull any feeds) and reading the github issues... that app ain't gonna last much longer.

Briefly looked at the awesome selfhosting page and going to do a read through of those when my brain is a bit more sane. But any suggestions? My main requirement is that I need to have multiple android devices able to connect and sync even while off network (I can handle the anxiety that comes from tunnels).


Anyone know of any good sites for (good) STLs of the popular tabletop/wargaming miniatures?

And, more importantly, anyone have any good experiences with them? My gut would be that the vast majority are pointless in FDM and require the granularity of resin. But I have also seen some wild prints that take advantage of ridiculously thin layer sizes to have insane detail. And, if it isn't a complete fool's errand, this would be a fun set of projects to fine tune both my printing ability and my painting skills.

What gamepad? (
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

So for the past couple of years (... coming on a decade?) I've liked the 8bitdo controllers a lot. Build consistency is a bit of a shitshow but you can tell almost instantly if you have one of the bad ones (and it is usually a matter of just loosening one screw unless the PCB itself is cracked). And the Ultimate Pro Whatever The Hell With Charging Dock is really nice and I love that I never have to worry about my controller needing new batteries when I am on my PC. In theory I can just plug it in but that gets into a mess with games that auto-detect what is connected and so forth. The charging dock that doubles as a receiver is delightful.

But when I switched to linux for fulltime gaming a while back... things got messier. 8bitdo has no linux support whatsoever. Mostly that is "fine" because the controller is a controller and I can use a phone app when I want to change what the rear buttons do. But I can't update firmwares. Which, again, is "fine" except I finally wanted to get back into Crosscode and have learned that shitshow of an html5 engine ONLY supports xinput on PC and apparently the functionality to tell the 8bitdo to present as an xinput might only be in a beta firmware? So all the joys of debugging but with very non-technical resources on google.

Not the end of the world (was mostly planning to moonlight to my xbox anyway) but kind of the straw that broke the camel's back as it were. Because Crosscode is a mess of a game technically that even the devs acknowledge was a mistake (AMAZING experience though) but what happens the next time I run up into a corner case? Not ready to throw this in the bin and rage purchase a new gamepad but very much ready to start browsing what my options are. Especially as (some) third parties are actually pretty good these days.

So what gamepads do you folk use?


So I finally broke down and made a very poor purchasing decision and ordered an e-ink writer to be a notepad/e-reader hybrid. Partially so that it is less of a hassle to read books I got from kickstarters and the like while still using the kindle app for the disturbing amounts of money I throw at Amazon.

Historically? I loved goodreads because theoretically I would get good recommendations based on what I liked. In practice, that has never happened but it is still nice to see if I read something in the past. And once I have multiple ebook ecosystems, it will be nice to actually check that rather than spend the first 100 pages wondering if this is familiar.

So any good recommendations? I suspect what I SHOULD do (and will likely start doing more as a self betterment thing) is just put a note in my personal nextcloud every time I finish a book with a quick summary and some thoughts. But having the big database is also really nice.



So I've been grabbing a few shows I want to watch reruns of while playing Balatro that don't have good blu ray releases. My piracy is fairly limited these days so I don't bother with private trackers (do have a VPN though). In the past, I never really had an issue with grabbing a few one offs off the popular, maybe honeypot, sites like rarbg and 1337x.

But over the past month or so, I've noticed I have gotten a lot of shitty files. Skips here and there or garbled colors for a scene or two. At first I though it was just a bad file since re-downloading the torrent had the exact same problem.

But, on a whim, I did a recheck and had to download like 40% of a torrent. And then 20% the next time. Which made me assume my NAS was fucked or I was dealing with a lot of packet lsos (... I AM dealing with a lot of packet loss from my ISP). But when I redownloaded a "known bad" torrent I had the exact same corrupted file.

So am I just REALLY unlucky? Or is there an epidemic of shitty/malicious seeds on the public trackers these days?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

So... Gundam 00. It has always felt like the black sheep of the "main" shows. Everyone makes fun of it for being a "ripoff" of Wing (to the point there are even meme pictures in the official gunpla stores in Japan) and it felt largely forgotten relative to the never ending love affair with the UC and the pushes to make SEED a thing while avoiding the acknowledgement that the vast majority of "main" Gundam shows are retelling 0079+Zeta.

So I put off the watch for a while. Because I love Wing (like most Americans, it was my first Gundam) but I also fully acknowledge that is batshit insane and mostly a retelling of 0079, Zeta, and CCA.

And... I know Japan has very strict anti-drug laws but I am pretty sure they were on the same stuff that made Wing seem like a good idea. But whereas Wing's pacing felt like complete insanity to the point you would FEEL like nothing happened and then realized three wars started and ended over the course of two episodes, 00 seemed obsessed with ending every climactic cliffhanger/battle before the first commercial break. It works amazingly well on a binge watch to make you watch "one more episode" but I REALLY wonder how people tolerated that when it aired on TV. "Oh cool. The battle we have all been waiting for is about to happen. And... it is over before we see Ibushi squirt some dashi into a pan in a suggestive manner".

But, for all its flaws? I think season 1 is up there with Iron Blooded Orphans in terms of being a genuinely good "real" Gundam show (War in the Pocket is still GOAT but that was very clearly a side story, similar to Rogue One in the Star Wars franchise). We have a roster of pilots with clear flaws and mysterious pasts that pretty much exist to explore the idea of whether you can ever truly achieve peace through violence. And... it is insanely bleak. It is clear from the start that Saji's plotline is going to be there to make us useless in the rain and... it somehow ends worse than anyone can possibly imagine on every single front of that. And the climactic battle is simultaneously more pointless and more brutal than basically anything short of IBO.

And then... we have Season 2. Which is mostly a rush to explain all those mysterious backstories as well as the overall mythos. I assume this was intended (right down to not even having the namesake gunpla model until the end of Season 1) but it really undermines almost all the "vibes" of the first season. And I kept expecting Ian to quote Rodney Dangerfield and scream "We're all gonna get laid!" with how so much of season 2 felt like a collection mission for every Gundam meister's girlfriend.

And while 00 definitely cheated by having two "end of show so everybody dies" sequences... it ends on way too hopeful of a note. Don't get me wrong, I like a Gundam that doesn't leave me staring at my TV's burn-in prevention screen while I drink whiskey. But after how ridiculously bleak Season 1 was... 2 just felt like a copout.

Also let's ignore that the Gundams were literal reality warpers. And that it is clear someone watched Beerfest and had an epiphany on how to keep such a fan favorite character around.

But, for all of Season 2's MANY MANY MANY flaws, I still frigging loved it. Because usually, the overall story is secondary to the emotional beats of a Gundam. Yes, we are all super eager to know what the latest Char clone is planning but what we really care about is what it will mean for the Pilot. And, don't get me wrong, I was very invested in all of the pilots (even frigging Tieria). But I kept watching because I needed to know what Ribbons or the Feddies or A-Law would do next.

Also, let's not overlook the sheer ballsiness of ending the show with "And we are doing a movie!".

So yeah. Gundam 00. More or less abandoned by Bandai. Mocked by Eastern audiences for being a ripoff of the Gundam that was explicitly targeted at the Sailor Moon demographic (seriously...). Mocked by Western audiences because Eastern audiences mock it and we are all weebs to one level or another. Season 1 is some of the best that "mainline" Gundam has ever been. Season 2 is... good by Gundam standards.

And two parting notes:

  1. Anyone who disparages this had better speak to their (non-existent) God about their crimes against cute and adorable Haro units doing repairs on the White Base equivalent Could have done with a lot less large breasted women in skintight outfits bouncing around and more cute Haro units being cute.
  2. While I still take issue at just treating it as a blatant Wing ripoff, I do have to say: in a franchise where you have a child soldier who would be fine with being executed because it means he can rest and someone with blatant split personality issues... Heero is still the craziest Gundam pilot ever. And Relena is somehow even crazier than that. The number of times Allejulah went full Hallelujah and my response was still "Still not crazier than Heero"...

Looking for a solution to manage and access the directory on my NAS that is full of ebooks. Optimally I want to be able to web reader them but also automagically send it to the email that sends it to my kindle. And e-book wise, the majority of mine are epub/mobi that I got from various kickstarters or humble bundles. But I also have some RPG books (so PDF with a LOT of pictures) and manga (PDF or CBR).

Did some research and checked the various reference lists. Mostly narrowed it down to

  • Weird-ass Calibre running in Kasm and accessed through a god awful web UI: This is actually what I used for the past year or two because there was a solution that was fairly plug and play with unraid. I... would rather never do this again
  • "Calibre Web" This seems to be what I actually want (an actual web interface to Calibre!) but it looks like the lead dev lost their shit with obnoxious demands from users. And while I appreciate they are still supporting it, "I am going to ignore the issues unless I feel like it" seems like a good way to get a bunch of unacknowledged CVEs...
  • Kavita Only found out about this today but it looks clean and efficient (plex-like). REALLY not a fan of the subscription model already being there but I also don't want any of those features.

Thoughts? There anything better I am missing because none of these look all that great?


So over the years (decade?) I've used Ventoy a lot. For those not aware, it is basically a live USB that you can add other ISOs to to boot into those. Usually overkill but incredibly useful for those days when you need diagnostics, a simple terminal, and then to install something what you actually want.

But... it feels like I run into corner cases and issues with ventoy more often than not. Proxmox or Fedora or whatever decide to do something even slightly different and then I need to upgrade ventoy and blah blah blah. Also... I am not the most comfortable with downloading anything from Sourceforge these days. Let alone something that is going to have a LOT of power over whatever machines I provision.

So I suspect the real answer is to either set up a way to network boot (although, not all machines support that) or buy like five cheap USB drives and put them on a keychain and not over-complicate things.

But if I DID want to over-complicate them.. is there anything better than Ventoy these days?



So for the past few years (?) I have been using wireguard to vpn into (effectively) my firewall and a dynamic dns setup to access that remotely. But with the shitshow that is google domains and the like, this seems like a good opportunity to look into a few of the alternatives. I am not entirely opposed to just going in and changing the dns server once I figure out what I am going to do on that front, but wireguard has always been a bit of a mess to set up for less "tech savvy" people who need access to the home network.

Every so often I see some cloud based solutions get suggested. Which is sketchy but I already have a few alerts set up to be able to remotely shut my network down if wireguard is acting up when it shouldn't be and shutting down a VM is a lot less of a "do I really need to do this?" than shutting off the entire network. But most of those solutions seem built around selling seats which means they want you to add individual devices rather than just setting up a tunnel.

So is wireguard still the gold standard? Or is there a more user friendly solution that will let me compromise a bit but also have a setup that doesn't require me to be physically on site to fix the inevitable hiccups because it takes hours of reading articles to understand the setup?


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