fuck off ccp bot
Reminds me of the final days of digg when the majority of posts were "sponsored" posts, just as vapid and pointless as this LLM spam.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oItwDXraK1M best quickstart, explains how DHCP and subnets become a thing of the past and how you can basically transfer network hardware between "master" networks without having to touch a host or waste time on routing ports & co. , the main reason ipv6 is so confusing is because the engineers went overkill on the futureproofing after suffering ages of ipv4 being a combination of "temporary" solutions and outdated networking philosophies, it's a case of "never again".
This will fuck your plans but you should look at internal ipv6 routing, it's confusing at first but for situations exactly like this it's a gamechanger.
Nah man somet fucked in the background my deck turned on with screen off in desktop mode uses maybe 5% battery in 20 min?
Throw this in ur terminal ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | head -n 11
Outraged nah, just annoyed at seeing the garbage start here too, let's just stop and let's focus on the content aight, no "what if's" or "what coulds" if someone doesn't outright come and state something then there's nothing to discuss, just like we (or at least i) used to in the good 2000 before the quality of online communities went to shit (:
Except it's literally not, the "content" in question is the title crackpipe - a crack is a modified binary/library permitting the execution of software without authorization, a pipe is terminology used to describe communication between programs on a surface level - yet you and others instead saw "black dude smoking crack". So you're discussing "actual content" which doesn't exist anywhere but some misplaced idea.
So i guess the issue is complete inability to infer context?
It's absolutely hilarious, for me as a European the first image that comes to mind when i hear crackpipe is some skeletal looking white dude with half his teeth missing jittering in a bush somewhere.
really shows how internalized racism is for them, and it's sad - rather than try and use Lemmy to break that pattern they just move it over from reddit...
The console market as a whole is diseased, and as far as any self respecting gamer is concerned, ended with the ps360 era.
Just noticed those fuckers actually banned pushshift, spez and his band of lowlifes sure don't want people to be able to see their meddling.
Nope still fundamentally garbage.