Oh, look... rich boomers are blaming gen z for the disaster that rich boomers created. Ho hum.
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
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Good! I am a mid-life Gen Xer and it's not the fault of Gen Z that the world is fucked up beyond all recognition. The Boomer and older Gen Xers fucked it up for everybody.
Generation had a golden opportunity when their bargaining power was high in postwar economy, which they took advantage of for themselves and then locked away for future generations, basically winding the clock back to industrial revolution levels of power disbalance for the common worker.
They weren't called the 'me' generation for nothing.
"Distraction by way of living in the moment and enjoying life has become a popular coping mechanism for those looking to avoid the ills of late-stage capitalism."
Fuck off
Living in the moment bad. Living for the money good.
"66% are only interested in finances as a way to support their other interests in life"
WTF is money for if it's not to support other interests in life?! You've got to be pretty dead inside if a big $ number in itself is your main fulfilment.
Isn’t this the same crap they were mad at millennials for? If living in the moment and enjoying life is bad than what is good?
Is this the new “Millenialls killed!!” [something]?
I'm with them, man. If I can't find a job that will pay me enough to allow me to get my own place (and I'm looking at the cheapest places available), I won't work. What's the point? Why would I bust my ass for some rich prick while being homeless? So I can suffer twice as much?
Live out of your car for a few months while working and pay yourself the "rent' then used the saved up money to Buy a used van/box truck and convert it out. You become your own landlord and get to have a solo apartment on wheels
I already got a van... Hm... Hey, AirBNB: people like van livin' right now. Lemme sublet the shaggin' wagon.
unwilling to stick it out at a toxic job
Thank fuck. It's going to take a while but maybe this is the end of diskless middle management generating endless bullshit work to justify their own existence. Almost every job has been mired down with so much box-ticking, pointless, ass-kissing, ego-stroking, bullshit that the actual work like nursing or construction governing a country has become secondary.
When I to a 5 min repair job at work I have to hand write a report, make a photo copy, give the report to another person who then types it into a system to which I do not have access. This was implemented by, and is strictly enforced by, the boomer and gen-x management which has seen the factory floor for less than 40 hours of their entire career.
I can't wait until the bulk of the boomers end up in understaffed, under funded old-age care and can't figure out why nobody wants to work any more. It'll make for some funny Fox News.
This is such a strange read - the article starts by talking about how Gen Z are prioritising wellbeing over wealth (true and so important to talk about) but then just totally rags on them for having no motivation and ‘delusional’ thinking? It touches so briefly on how the norms and expectations previous generations had are now absolutely inaccessible for so many, then criticises them for ‘manifestation’ and not just trying?
This is so worth talking about but I think a much more useful and interesting analysis would be looking at why manifestation is on the rise, and why so much focus is on wellbeing over wealth - and how exactly traditional goals like home ownership and retirement became so out of reach. But that would require more than just name-dropping late stage capitalism and actually acknowledging its failures though, huh?
Welcome to Gen X, Gen Z. Now you see why we stay low key.
It's hard not to have this outlook. Thankfully it's not bizzarro world and people older than myself understand that it really is bleak