I just picked up running this year and have been taking it slow in ramping up the mileage. Having said that I signed up for my local 5k and I’m kind of nervous and excited. Never ran or been to a race before
A place for runners.
The first one is a scary experience. The main advice I would give you is to run your own race, don't worry if people are flying off into the distance. Also don't underestimate the benefit of latching on to someone and using them as a way to pace yourself.
Right on. Petition to start ParkRuns at 9:30/10 instead of 8am on a Saturday. I haven't made my local one as yet.
They start at 9am in the UK, I still rarely get there though 😂 Saturday is my one lie in day.
I have my first 1/2 marathon coming up at the end of the month. My wife got the running bug and pulled me into it after she did her first race (5k). I'm feeling pretty good about it overall and have done a few longer runs (for me) of 8-9 miles so far in training. Next long run is tomorrow morning, hoping to get 100 total running minutes in.
I'm a bigger male, but pretty athletic at 210# body weight, 6'1" height. My biggest worry is how much I sweat and chest chafing. I've been running shirtless to avoid it, but not sure if that's a good idea for a sunny morning trail 1/2. I'm open to any suggestions from my fellow big men!
I'm also a very sweaty bloke. Weirdly in 6 years I've only ever had nipple chafing once, and it wasn't a particularly long run.
I'm not quite as heavy as you 86kg (189#), but I get relatively sweaty. My long runs are 90-120min, and half marathon is my preferred distance.
I think the extra weight does increase how much you sweat, but you can't stop it without going slower. I'd recommend a hat, to keep things out of your eyes.
I've never had chafing on my chest, but you could look at wearing a tighter shirt so there's less movement. If then shirt is already tight, try looser. Maybe a singlet could be a good option for you too.
I almost went for a run without putting bandaids on my nipples so thanks for the reminder.
I consider running a half marathon at the end of October. The furthest I've run so far is 16km but I hope for a <1:50 time. Idk what to think about what kind of progress I can expect until then. I want to lose 3kg until then and I just raised my cadence to 150.
I got some good advice once about running new distances. The first time you race it you might want to just focus on finishing the event, enjoyimg the course, and listening to your body rather than worrying about time. It'll give you a baseline to work from and help you figure out if you even like the distance.
I haven't done an official half marathon but I did my open route during lockdown and ran it. Didn't do any specific training and I think the longest I had run up until then was 12k, so you'll probably be fine.
Good luck on the 10k, the 24h sounds like fun. I need to get some of my buddies to do some more of these event things. 4 laps is 24m, 40k plenty of distance for a day's work.
As for my races. I've got a 10k coming up, but not planning on putting in 100% into it, as I'm working on a 1/2 training plan this summer/fall, for BayState half marathon. I've run the full 3x, this is my first time doing the half. It's in mid October, and I've got a bail out half scheduled for Nov 12, which I may skip, if I run my target time for the 1/2 this fall. There is really nothing hanging on the race, other than trying to PR, and get sub 1:30. I ran a 1:31:xx this spring, and I've dropped some weight, and had a good training cycle, so I'm feeling positive about it.