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I didn't find much issue with the post per se. Why is all that backlash only coming now when the game has been having major issues for the past year at least? Technical problems galore, lackluster seasons... In fact there's a lot of good stuff in that post like the changes to ritual activities.
All just my opinion/feelings on this shit.
The problems have been building since last year. Plunder and Seraph were less stable and more buggy. Plunder was kinda panned as a bad season by some, but between a Showcase promising us features we'd been wanting for years (in-game Loadouts, in-game LFG, a renewed focus on the ritual playlists, probably more I'm forgetting) and Seraph's awesome story and (imo) fun missions, some hype came back for a lot of us.
Lightfall itself was a mixed bag, but they eventually made progress on the stability issues (credit where it's due, shit is a lot more stable for me). It had story issues, but they weren't WORSE than previous story issues imo, just a regression. It wasn't a GREAT place, but if they fixed stability it would be ok.
Then the SotG comes out, which says (loosely translated) "Stop asking us to make more PVP/Gambit maps, we're never gonna do it like you want because it wouldn't make us enough money. Also no more free armor, because y'all didn't appreciate our basic ass armor sets as much as the ones that make you into a fucking t-rex, just pay up piggies"
If they had not said anything, it would've been better than posting a "We, a company purchased for billions of dollars, can't do the #1 thing our fanbase is asking for because it wouldn't make us enough money".
There is some good news in there, I guess. Favoriting shaders is the kinda basic QoL stuff we should've seen years ago when they redid shaders, but better late than never.
There was an undertone of blaming the community throughout the SotG. YOU aren’t wearing this ugly armor with low stats so we won’t make it anymore. YOU aren’t playing this neglected game mode so we’ll abandon it. It’s full of terrible excuses with backwards logic. If they made vanguard armor that looked half as good as anything in the eververse store we’d all be wearing it but they pour 95% of the effort into microtransactions.
Credit where credit is due, the last two dungeon armor sets have been amazing, but that’s also paid content (dungeon keys). It’s been made clear that we shouldn’t expect anything decent in free activities, even when those are considered CORE to the game experience…