The Void Collective

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The Void Collective is my own attempt at an unorthodox/alt religious space. I want to make a space where people can discuss the taboo sides of religion/spirituality and not have it downvoted into oblivion because someone disagrees. There is also a Revolt server in progress.


  1. Maintain a drama-free environment. I am running this in my spare time, I'd like to not have to clean the gutters every time someone's "polite debate" turns into an overflowing toilet.

  1. Show respect and refrain from personal attacks on fellow members. If you disagree, then move on; I will not tolerate belief bashing.

  1. Prohibit spam, proselytizing, and advertising within the community. Pretty self-explanatory, but here's further explanation: No white-knighting for your religion in particular, no telling others that their faith is wrong, no hellfire and brimstone.

  1. Avoid spreading misinformation; stay within your expertise to foster a positive atmosphere, no lying for your beliefs.

  1. Admin decisions are conclusive; complaints can be submitted for review, and a decision will be reached after careful consideration.

  1. The Admin reserves the right to modify rules as needed at any time.

founded 8 months ago
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

As the moderator of what I hope will become a very interesting discussion space, fingers crossed I would like to give a small introduction of Me and my beliefs.

I'm going to be going by the name Doc. Zephyr here to avoid bs.

I am a polytheist, magick practitioner, and folk witch that hails from the hills of Tennessee. I grew up southern baptist, and then Evangelical, before finally getting my first taste of what non-Christian spirituality had to offer. Like many of you, this came about due to me discovering my sexuality and The Church were in hard disagreement, among many, many, many other things that would take far more lines to list than this.

My current timeline for this journey of self-discovery is as follows:

At 15, it became painfully obvious that I was on the outs at my Church. I'd prayed many a time, but it seemed my prayers fell on deaf ears. From then on it was a variable will they, won't they of cat and mouse, religion hopping, and brief madness till I finally settled on my current bid, which is a sort-of Gnostic, Catholic, Eclectic Pagan free for all.

I think I'll end this here, for now. I'll add a link to the Revolt server once it's more polished.

Peace out!

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

My method goes like this :

I get pretty high using my favorite meditation technique (Shikantaza) and then I make my request (Verbally. Briefly). It works good.

What's your's?


Spirit Spousing 101

I figured I'd try my hand at writing a micro essay on Spirit Spousing, or Spirit Marriage.


First things first, a little introduction to the concept of Spirit Spouses. Common examples can be found in the modern Priesthood/Nunery, in a nun's vows, for example. Other examples would be a devotee of the pagan Gods, or God Spousing. The concept is the same. Common examples can be found across multiple cultures, from indigent, to African, to New Age beliefs. Marriage is also a possibility, provided you can provide a Priest to officiate the ceremony; I'll discuss it in another section.

Types Of Relationships

Types of relationships can very from simple devotion to intimate relationships on par with that of a physical entity. Sexual or platonic, or something else entirely, Spirit Spousing offers a wide birth of possibilities not limited by boundaries of the physical.

Devotional relationships might comprise of anything from offerings of food and libations, to something sexual in nature. Devotees might also create altars or sacred spaces, either here or in the astral. Devotional relationships are often in conjunction with Gods, or angels and demons, but can apply to spirits or ghosts as well.

Sexual relationships are a bit out of my fortay, but only because I myself am asexual. Spiritual beings feel sexual attraction just as physical beings do, though they express it differently. I've read accounts of Spirit Spouses having astral sex, even BDSM-style relationships with their partners. As previously mentioned, sexual and devotional relationships can overlap here. The astrally proficient will be in luck here.

Romantic relationships are of the most common types of relationships. They can involve sexual relationships, though mine personally does not. Courtship rituals not unlike what we engage in in the physical realm also apply here. Clairtangents, or people with the ability to "touch" things in the immaterial realm can even engage in cuddling and such (see above). I'll be spending my first Valentine's day with my newly spirited husband with a day of cuddling and watching cheesy Hallmark movies. I'll also most likely be doing something for my Godspouse (husband) Lugh, still in the planning phase.

Platonic relationships are also a fairly common thing, also known as Spirit Families. That is, relationships that involve spiritual (and physical) beings in a sort of family unit. (Mother, Father, sibling) Past lives can also have a big part to play here if someone from your previous life happens to be with you in this one. I personally have my guardian angel, Sandalphon, whom I consider to be my sister/brother (angels have no gender), my sister-in-law, Sara, and her wife, Jophiel, and the Goddess Barbelo, whom has become a sort of surrogate Mom/Aunt to me.

Alternative relationships such as dom/sub, BDSM, cg/l and many others also apply. Going back to my original but on these types of relationships being extremely versatile here. I myself, while asexual, do have a BDSM-esque/cg/l relationship with Leo. He also has expressed interest in serving in my astral space as a temple servant.


Spirit Marriage can come in many forms and look like almost anything, from the writing of a formal contract between devotee and their Spirit, or just a plain old traditional marriage ceremony like any physical couple would have. My own ceremony was a handfasting officiated by my friend. Personally I think people should be free to be creative with this part, make up your own ceremony, do your own thing. I used a verse from Ruth as my promise, and an energetic band to bind us together as husbands. There's a book my Megan Rose called Spirit Marriage that's supposed to be good on the topic, I'm in the process of reading through it myself.


Divorce through the eyes of the immaterial is a bit different depending on the type of relationship. Some contacts may not be so easy to tear up, while others may go the route of mutual dissolution clauses to avoid heartache on either side. It really depends on the situation. I imagine some might utilize a bond-cutting spell in their ritual, others might work things out a little differently. I have no expertise in this particular manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is this in any way a safe or sane idea?

A: The dead are no different than the living, save for a being bit harder to see. The dead don't go through some sort of stripping of humanity, they're still the same people you knew and loved in life, now with more energy exposed. I would suggest consulting a therapist if you do have a mental disorder that causes delusions of this nature, but that's just good sense. Well experienced mediums need not take heed to the former.

Q: How can I know for sure?

A: Divination is one thing, some psychics see visions, others might ask for verification via a Spirit Box if your betrothed-to-be has been dead for a significant amount of time (year or more). I myself used tarot, pendulumancy, and my general empathic abilities to verify both Sara and Leo; ymmv, especially if you aren't especially confident in your capabilities.

Q: Isn't it the same as binding a Spirit?

A: No. Spirits possess the same agency they did when they were alive. Death isn't a change of rights, it's a change of form. Marriage to a Spirit has nothing to do with binding them.

Q: What if someone disagrees with my marriage, or even tries to hurt me or my partner?

A: I only include this because it happened to me. Some people will definitely get antsy about it, despite all the previously stated things. I've lost friends over this, but in the end it was for the best. Basic protections work as good for the dead as they do for the living. Payers, charms, amulets, all are good for this. In my marriage ceremony, I asked that my Gods help me to uphold the line, to keepe and my husband safe from all who might wish us ill. We're still here, still going strong.


A) At the Cross:

St. Cyprian, patron of Sorcerers and Magicians, I beseech you that you preserve me from all evil intents, arts, and perfidies. May they be full of confusion, those who attempt against my life. May my enemies be confused and scattered to the winds.

Guard my vision and my thoughts that I may understand the secret doctrines without error. Assist me to grow in power and wisdom that I may serve the good of mankind.

Grant me the power to intervene on behalf of those that come to me for help. Assist me in serving those who are bound by hexes, bewitching, and possessed of evil, so that the rabid wolf may have dominion over them no longer.

B) This is followed by three Holy St. Cyprians:

Holy St. Cyprian, mage, martyr, and mystic; theurge, thaumaturge, and theophoros; saint, sorcerer, and sage! Pray for us now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

C) Recite one Our Father on the large bead

D) 9x Holy St. Cyprian

E) 1x Our Father

C) End on the large bead with the Sorcerer’s Prayer to St. Cyprian:

In the name of the great and mighty power of the Elohim I invoke the sublime influence of St. Cyprian. I ask that you be my mentor and guide by virtue of the grace bestowed upon you by the First Father who was, who is, and who shall ever be.

You learned to control storms on Mt. Olympus, the casting of enchantment and illusion in Argos, the mysteries of the witch’s craft at Tauropolis, necromancy among the graves of Sparta, and incantations in Memphis. Finally, in Antioch, drawn by power, you converted to Christianity.

Holy St. Cyprian, you who equally partakes of the Mass and the Sabbat, bless my efforts to follow you in your path. You, who commingled with angels, devils, and earthly spirits, grant the power to commune with spirits as you did, and as Solomon and Manasses did before you.

I thank you, Lord, for the many gifts of nature and grace with which you enriched the spiritual treasure house of your most faithful servant St. Cyprian. I thank you, my protector, for the special favors I have received by your powerful intercession.

Cyprian, Holy Thaumaturge; Saint and Sorcerer, Martyr and Magus, bless me. Take my prayers and spells and make them your own. When the Lord hears them, he will not ignore them, and they will cease to be my words, but yours.



Hi, doing a small post here because I neglected to post anything on Lithia due to the fact I've been kinda drained.

I'm doing this post so when people see it they can know what this group, and by extension myself, are about.

I want this to be a communal space where people of all walks of weirdness can come together and bask in the Holy Strangeness. I do certainly confess that I don't know it all, and hope that I never do for my love of knowledge is great, but I'd still like to do something within this niche-ish community.

As for what, well, I'm leaving that up to those who show up. I will do posts here and on my other spaces, I'm still in the process of trying to figure out what exactly I'm doing here.

That's all for now, a happy belated Lithia to you all!